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Aurora heard laughing in the living room as she descended the steps. She slowly entered the living room to see Thea and a guest. Thea quickly locked onto Aurora's figure and shook her head.

"You're supposed to be resting."

Aurora rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, Thea." Aurora gave her sister a look that told Thea to introduce the guest.

"Oh, this is Helena. She's a friend of the family."

Helena turned to face Aurora and let out a smile. "Well, aren't you a brand-new face."

Aurora swallowed at her enthusiasm. There was something off about the way she acted and Aurora quickly caught onto it. "I'm Aurora. I'm sure you've heard of the new Queen sister."

Helena's face turned up. "I read about that. You're the sister."

Aurora nodded. "That would be me."

The front door opened and closed and the three women quickly looked up to see Oliver walking into the living room. The expression on his face shifted when he saw who was sitting with his sisters.

"Look who's back!" Thea's face glowed. "She was just telling me about you're first Russo's."

Helena's eyes shifted downward as she looked up at Oliver. "Hello, Oliver."

There was a moment of tension that Aurora could feel before Thea spoke again.

"Oh, Ollie, I kind of have this pseudo friend that's looking for a job. I was wondering of the club's still hiring?"

"Yes, of course." Oliver's answer was far too quick. "Talk to Tommy. As a matter of fact, you can go upstairs and call Tommy right now." Oliver's voice was quick and to the point. "Take Aurora with you."

Thea jumped up with a smile. "Great. You rock."

Aurora gave Oliver a sideways glance before she was whisked away with Thea's excitement. Aurora followed Thea all the way up to Thea's room and the first thing she noticed was a dress that was hung up by the mirror.

Aurora pointed to the dress. "That's beautiful."

Thea glanced at the dress. "Oh, yeah. It's for the club opening tonight."

Aurora was confused. "Club opening?"

Thea looked up from her phone. "Oliver's club?"

Aurora didn't get any of her confusion cleared up. "Oliver has a club?"

Thea looked surprised. "Yeah, Oliver's opening a club in the glades. It's called Verdant. Ollie didn't tell you?"

Aurora shook her head. "No, probably got lost within the weeks conversations."

Thea smiled, "Well, I'm sure he would love it if you came."

Aurora tilted her head. "I don't know. Club Openings mean a lot of people."

Thea shook her head. "Come on it will be fun! I'll even help you pick out a dress." Thea abandoned her task and took Aurora's hand. "Besides, I really don't want to be the third wheel between mom and Ollie."

They entered Aurora's room and Thea immediately went to her closet. She pulled the door open and walked into the small area and looked at Aurora's choice of dresses. Thea rifled through the outfits until her smile widened. She pulled out a dress and held it up.

"This one is perfect."

Aurora let out a breath. She forgot she bought that dress. "I don't think so."

Thea nodded. "Yes."


Aurora walked into the club with Thea at her side. The older sister was dressed in an all-black, spandex dress that was club appropriate. The dress had a tall neck and no shoulders. The back of the dress was stitched with mesh and the skirt went to just past her mid-thigh. Her dark Mahogany hair was in vintage waves down one side of her neck. Thea had even convinced the sister to wear bright red lipstick. All in all, Aurora looked like an editorial model.

The sister's walked behind Moira and up to the steps to where Oliver and his date, McKenna, were waiting. Once Oliver saw his family he's face lit up.

"Hey, you made it!" He took in both of his sister's. "Both of you look beautiful."
Aurora gave a small smile as they hovered around a circular table. On the table were four glasses of Champagne and one glass of what looked like a Martini.

"Take a glass." Oliver started handing out drinks and handed the triangle glass to Thea. "And this is for you. Non-alcoholic."

Thea rolled her eyes as she held up her glass with the others. As they all clinked glasses Moira let out a smile.

"To Verdant. I know I haven't always been supportive of this venture, but I have to admit this nightclub is quite an accomplishment. I'm proud of you. Your father would be too."

Oliver gave a sweet smile to his mother. "Thank you."

"Yeah, congratulations Ollie. The club doesn't totally suck."

Oliver let out a snort into his glass. "Thanks, Speedy. Thank you very much, all of you, for coming. Also, Aurora." Oliver looked to his sister. "Tommy asked if you would join him once we were done."

Aurora swallowed. "Tommy's here?"

Oliver nodded. "He's downstairs by the bar."

Aurora gently blushed. "Okay, thanks. I'll be downstairs then."

Aurora slid away from her family and navigated her way around the people until she got to the bar. She leaned forward to locate Tommy, but she when she felt a hand on her shoulder she quickly turned to see him behind her. Aurora gave a smile and Tommy's eyes went wide.

"Aurora! You look...beautiful."

Aurora let out another blush, "Oh, thank you."

Tommy leaned forward as he spoke. "I wanted to see if you were okay after the Gala."

Aurora let out a breath and nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Are you okay? How's your dad?"

Tommy nodded. "We're good. He's good. Made it to the hospital in time. He also wanted me to thank you for saving his life."

Aurora set her drink down on the counter. "I was only doing want I wanted somebody to do for me."

Tommy was surprised by her answer. "Wow."

Aurora was confused. "What?"

Tommy had a smile on his face. "You are so selfless. It's refreshing."

Aurora swallowed. "I've been taught never to judge someone by their reputation. Everybody is equal until proven otherwise."

Tommy kept his smile. "Where have you been? Starling City needed somebody like you a long time ago."

Aurora blushed, but she wasn't able to reply because Thea came bounding towards them with rushed words.

"Tommy! Tommy! Did, uh, did you call Roy yet?"

Tommy nodded. "I left him a message. He starts tomorrow." Tommy suddenly pulled out his phone. "Ah, uh, which reminds me, I have to go check in with the office." Tommy looked towards Aurora. "I'll see you later?"

Aurora nodded. "Yeah."

Tommy gave one last polite smile and left the sisters alone. Thea looked up at her sister and gave a smirk.

"He likes you. I can tell."

Before Aurora could say anything, the music changed and Thea's face lit up.

"I love this song! Come on!" Thea pulled at Aurora's arm until they were in the middle of the dance floor.

Aurora let out a laugh and followed Thea. Aurora allowed for herself to feel the music and dance along with it. The two sisters were having so much fun that they didn't realize they were dancing well into the early morning. Aurora looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was two in the morning. She had work in four hours. Aurora looked around for John and found him standing near the stairs with his hands clasped in front of him. Aurora let out a breath and leaned in close to Thea.

"Hey, I have work in a few hours. I'm going to have John take me home. Do you want to come?"

Thea had a smile on her face and shook her head. "I'm going to say a bit longer."

Aurora shook her head. "Okay. See you tomorrow." The older sister loved how Thea was smiling. Thea's smile reminded her of Emrah's giggle. Aurora quickly found John and she was at the Queen's mansion before she was fully able to fall asleep. 

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