Miss Queen

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"Okay, if you would sign here."

The Lawyer pointed to a line with an X next to it. Aurora looked up with confusion.

"With the new name?"

The Lawyer nodded. "Yes. The name you wish you go by is what you will sign."

Aurora took the pen into her left hand and carefully signed Aurora Queen. It was odd for her to sign the name Queen, but it almost came naturally. The Lawyer turned the page and had her sign again this time writing her name in print.

From behind Aurora stood Moira, Thea and Oliver. They watched as she signed her name for the final time. The Lawyer pulled the pages away and looked up at them with his hands clasped around the papers.
"You are now legally a Queen. Moira has granted you Queen assets as well as property. Anything the Queen's own, you are entitled to it as well. You will receive your new Driver's License as Social Security card in as little as two weeks."

Aurora pulled in a breath and nodded. "Okay. Thank you."

"Thank you, Dan." Moira escorted the man out of the Manor and Aurora turned to face Thea and Oliver. Although, Thea was the most excited. She jumped into Aurora's arms with a smile.
"You're my sister!" The teenager pulled away, "I mean you were before, but now it is official!"

Aurora smiled. "Yeah. It's weird though. Aurora Queen. So, what does being a Queen mean?"


Oliver shifted his focus to John Diggle before he let out a chortle. "That's what it means. Security following you everywhere. I gotta go, but I'll see you later."

Aurora shook her head. "Much different from the life I had before."

Oliver smiled. "Speaking of which. Thea, aren't you supposed to be with Laurel at CNRI?

Thea let out a groan. "Also, Ollie is the epitome of 'Buzz Kill'. So get used to that."

"Come on Thea, I can drop you off." John was polite.

Thea rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay."

Oliver placed a hand on Aurora's shoulder. "You'll be okay?"

Aurora nodded. "Yep. Moira insisted that I move in so I will be unpacking all day."

Oliver smiled. "Have a good day. Aurora Queen."

Thea and Oliver slowly walked away as Aurora let out a breath. She was going to have to get used to being a Queen.


Aurora walked into the Queen's mansion after a long day at work. Her scrubs had been switched for another pair from the hospital and her shoes were still splattered with blood from the Operating Room. Her mahogany hair was up in a messy low bun and she let out a long sigh as she closed the front door.

She leaned against the door for a moment before she opened her tired eyes to see Moira walk across the foyer. Once the Mother saw Aurora she let out a smile.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was work?"

Aurora pushed herself off of the door. "Busy. I really need a shower though."

Moira nodded. "Of course. Raisa is cooking up some dinner whenever you are ready."

Aurora smiled. "Thanks, Moira."

Aurora slid past her mother and up the steps to her room. At moments like these she missed living in her apartment because she could strip off the old scrubs on her way to the bathroom. The thought had crossed her mind only because she had turned the corner to see Oliver walking down the corridor. Aurora noticed the suit and let out a small smile.

"Fancy suit. What's the occasion?"

Oliver smiled. "Hello to you too. I have a date, actually."

Aurora's eyes went slightly wide. "Well, from what I've heard about you, this isn't a common occurrence."

Oliver let out a nervous chuckle. "Don't listen to everything Thea says."

Aurora shook her head. "Clean slate, Oliver." She slid past him. "Have a good night."

Aurora went on her way to her room, but she wasn't able to get so far.

"Hey, Aurora."

The sister turned. "Yeah?"

Oliver fiddled with his hands for a moment before he strode up to her. "Thank you. I know you have a lot of questions and I want to thank you for not asking them right away."

Aurora let out a soft smile as she realized exactly what Oliver was talking about. "I went through a trauma when I was a child. Not five years on an Island, but enough to change me. I think I'm not asking because I know what you might be going through."

Oliver widened his eyes for a moment. "Well, it seems one day we will have to trust each other with secret information."

Aurora nodded. "I would like that, but I would never ask you to be open to that unless you want to be."

Oliver smiled. "Thank you Aurora."

Aurora smiled. "Have fun on your date."

The younger sister turned the corner and Oliver stood in the corridor for a moment in thought. Oliver had only known Aurora for a few weeks, but he feels the same trust that he feels for Felicity. 

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