Can't sleep

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Aurora sat on her window bench and looked out into the night. This was day three that she wasn't able to sleep because of the visions in her head from the three nights she was almost killed. She let out a deep breath and rubbed at her face. She pushed her hands through her hair and pulled at the roots. She looked down at the cut on her wrist and the scar was just an angry pink line in her flesh. She hadn't realized how long it had been since that first night.

Aurora pushed herself off of the bench and slowly padded out of her room and into the corridor. She was only dressed in a tank top and shorts, but it wasn't too cold. She silently walked all the way down to the kitchen, but when she entered she realized she wasn't alone. Oliver was sitting at the counter with a glass in his hand.


Oliver looked up at Aurora. "Hi." The older brother was slightly confused.
"Can't sleep either?" Aurora walked to the fridge.

Oliver set his glass onto the counter. "No. Too much on my mind. You?"

Aurora pulled out a carton of orange juice and retrieved a glass from the cupboard. "Same. It's been, uh, an interesting couple of weeks."

Oliver noticed the tone of her voice and swallowed. "I've wanted to ask how you were after the incident at the Auction, but I haven't found the right time."

Aurora pored her drink and sat down next to Oliver. "Three times my life has been in danger in the last couple of weeks, but I'm alive. I can't help but think that somehow my parents are watching over me."

Oliver didn't say anything as he took a drink. Aurora copied him and she just noticed that in Oliver's glass was most likely alcohol.

"Do you miss your dad?"

Oliver looked up at Aurora and nodded. "Everyday."

Aurora looked down. "I wish I got to know him. Tommy said he was a good dad."

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, he was a pretty awesome dad."

It was silent for a moment before Oliver spoke up again.

"You said three times."

"What?" Aurora looked up.

"You said your life was in danger three times."

"Oh, yeah." She let out a breath. "The first time was when I went to Queen Consolidated to see Moira and she shot the Hood. The second was with the collar bomb and the third was when I was with Tommy and his dad at the Gala."

It was quiet again.
"I'm sorry."

Aurora shook her head. "It's okay. I guess I needed some excitement in my life."

Oliver noticed the tone in her voice. "You aren't scared?"

Aurora was confused. "Uh, no. I'm not. My dad risked his life every day and somehow I just knew that I would be put in that type of situation one day."

Oliver looked up. "Can I ask what your dad did?"

Aurora nodded. "Yeah. He was an FBI agent. He was in the military before that."

Oliver let out a breath. "I can see where you get your tenacity from."

Aurora smirked. "He would always said that I got my determination from him and my spit fire from my mom." Aurora let out a breath. "I really miss them and Emrah."

Oliver didn't know what to say, so he took a drink instead. It was quiet in the kitchen until Aurora finished her drink. She hopped off of the stool and put the glass in the sink.

"I'm going to try and get some sleep. You should too."

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, I'm right behind you."

Aurora yawned. "Goodnight, Oliver."

Aurora made it up to her bedroom and under the sheets. She was able to allow for herself to relax as she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Aurora got the call about an hour after she was asleep. They needed her at the hospital for an emergency surgery. When she got there, she recognized the patient as McKenna Hall; Oliver's girlfriend. She had been shot point blank with a shotgun to the abdomen and thigh. Most of the bullet pellets had hit her bullet proof vest, but some shrapnel had hit her exposed body. The surgery took four hours to fix her shattered Femur and remove the bullets. The moment it was done, Aurora rushed out of the OR and to Oliver.

Aurora pushed the doors open and saw Oliver stand with expecting eyes. Aurora nodded her head as she came up to him. "We got the bullet fragments out, but she shattered her femur."

"But she's alive?" Oliver almost had tears in his eyes.

Aurora nodded. "She's alive. She's in recovery right now and will be transferred upstairs in about an hour."

Oliver let his relief show and Aurora couldn't help but accept Oliver's hug. The siblings hugged until Aurora got a page on her phone.

She pulled away and read the page before she looked up at Oliver. "She'll be in room 2031. I have to go chart, but you can see her in about an hour. August should be out to talk with you in a minute."

Oliver nodded. "Thank you."

Aurora gave a side smile before she walked back into the operating area. 

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