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"You don't have to help me out Thea, I'm fine." Aurora was sitting in one of the many living rooms with Thea helping her pour out a drink.

Thea scoffed. "You almost died in the hallway. I'm staying by your side."

"What about your friend? Roy?"

Thea tilted her head. "He'll understand."

Aurora let out a smile. "I'm fine. Really."

There was a knock on the front door and Aurora perked up. "I'm so fine in fact, that I am going to answer the door."

Aurora threw off her blanket and pushed herself off of the couch. She padded her way through the walls and to the front door. She pulled it open and let out a smile.

"You came all this way to bring me a plant?"

Tommy let out a smile as he held onto a potted Orchid. "Oh, this? No, this is for Thea."

Aurora smirked, "Thea hates Orchids."

Tommy brightened. "Oh well in that case." He held out the plant. "For you Miss Queen."

Aurora let out a small breath of a laugh and took the plant. "Won't you come in Mr. Merlyn?"

Tommy straightened out. "It would be a pleasure." Tommy strutted into the house and closed the door. "So, what is it that you are doing today?"

Aurora smelled the flower. "I'm being babysat by a teenager."

They walked into the living room and Thea was still on the couch. She looked up when they walked in. "Look who finally decided to show up."

Tommy tilted his head at Thea. "I can babysit her if you want to go out."

Thea stood from the couch. "Well, if your offering." She let out a smile and quickly fled the living room.

Aurora clicked her tongue. "I knew she didn't like hanging out with me."

Tommy let out a smile, but his face got serious quick. "How are you feeling?"

Aurora nodded. "I'm fine. No trace of Vertigo or Chlorpromazine in my system. I'm good."

Tommy nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He kissed her head and smiled. "Good. That means you're well enough to go out to lunch with me."

Aurora set the Orchid on the coffee table. "Out? Of the house? As in outside?"

Tommy smirked and took Aurora's hands into his own. "Time to get out of those PJ's and into the fresh air."

Aurora only smiled with half her face. "Or we could just sit inside and watch movies?"

Tommy frowned. "How many movies have you already watched?"

Aurora smiled guiltily. "Okay, where are we going?"

Tommy smirked. "It's a surprise. Now go put on some real clothes."

Aurora looked down at her poke-a-dotted pajamas. "What? These aren't real clothes?"

Tommy kept his smirk. "You do look rather...captivating in lounge wear."

Aurora scoffed and pushed away. "Real clothes it is then."

She left Tommy with a smirk on his face as she went upstairs to put on something other than pajamas.


Aurora slowly turned in her bed and realized she wasn't alone. She turned and saw Tommy looking down at her from his sitting position on her bed. Aurora glanced down and thanked the heavens that she had clothes on. She put a hand up to her mouth and let out a chuckle.

"Wine is never a good idea."

Tommy smiled. "The wine was your idea."

Aurora pushed the blanket off of her and sat up. "The whole bottle was yours."

Tommy snickered. "Okay, last night wasn't what I planned at all."

Aurora bit her lip. "I should probably get up." She looked at the clock. "I'm working a swing shift at the hospital."

Tommy gave her a side glance. "Are you sure you have to go?" Tommy slid closer to her and touched her cheek.

Aurora leaned into his hand and swallowed. "I probably have another few minutes."

Tommy smirked. "A few minutes is all I need." He leaned forward and kissed Aurora. The kiss was sweet, but also held some urgency in it. Aurora kissed Tommy back with a smile on her face. The two were so engrossed in each other that when the knock on Aurora's door sounded, they quickly pulled away.

"Hey, Aurora. You awake?"

Aurora let out a breath. "I'll be out in a second, Oliver." Aurora blushed and let out a giggle. She placed a kiss on Tommy's lips before she jumped out of bed. She grabbed her silk robe and tied it around her waist before she opened the door slightly. In the hallway stood Oliver in casual street clothes.

"What do you need?" Aurora was slightly breathless.

"Are you working today?"

Aurora huffed. "Uh, I go in at one. Why?"

"I need a favour from you."

Aurora narrowed her eyes. "Okay."

"There's a boy with Laurel that just escaped his parents murder and I was wondering if you could do a physical on him."

Aurora bit her lip. "I'm not a doctor, Oliver."

Oliver nodded. "I know. It's just, he's seven."

Aurora looked at Oliver's expression. Puppy dog eyes. "Are you trying to gilt trip me?"

Oliver swallowed. "Maybe."

Aurora let out a sigh. "Okay, let me get dressed."

Oliver nodded. "Thank you." Oliver started to walk away, but he turned back to face his sister. "And you can tell Tommy to get dressed too."

Aurora's features flushed bright red as Oliver let out a smirk. Aurora closed the door and looked back at Tommy. The man had on his own embarrassment. Aurora let out a snort before she hurried back to the bed. 

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