Tommy Merlyn

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Aurora quickly closed her front door as Felicity quickly walked in.

"Okay, the weirdest thing just happened." Felicity turned to face Aurora. "And by weird, I mean suspicious. So for the past few weeks, Oliver has been coming to me and giving me these weird tasks. Like, he wanted me to get information from a bullet riddled laptop, and I know that his excuses are lies, but I really need to tell someone."

Aurora hurried to process what Felicity was saying. "Okay, What has Oliver done?"

Felicity pulled in a breath. "He gave me some syringes filled with yellow liquid and asked me to do a Spectro-analysis to see where it was manufactured, but that's not the weird part. The liquid in the syringe was Vertigo in its liquid form."

Aurora let her eyes widen. "What? Oliver gave you Vertigo? Where did he get it?"

Felicity shrugged. "I don't know. He told me it was the secret ingredient to a sports drink his friend was making. Which I know is a bunch of Bull."

Aurora let out a breath. "When did he give it to you?"

"This morning. I finished the analysis pretty quickly, but I knew you were at work so I waited to tell you."

Aurora couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you sure it was Vertigo?"

Felicity nodded. "Vertigo has a precise formula and it was definitely Vertigo in the syringes."

Aurora shook her head. "What do you think this means?"

Felicity shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe he's trying to figure out how to manufacture it? Or maybe he's doing something for the right reasons. I have no idea, but all I do know is that it's pretty shady, but I still trust him."

Aurora furrowed her brows. "You trust him?"

Felicity nodded. "Yeah, I do." She looked down at her phone as it vibrated. "I gotta go. I'm meeting with Oliver."

Aurora furrowed her brow. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Felicity shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'll text you after."

Aurora hesitantly nodded. "Okay, be safe."

Felicity walked towards the front door, but Aurora stopped her. "Hey, wait."

Felicity turned back around and Aurora suddenly became nervous.

"I want you're input."

Felicity took a few steps forward. "Yeah, of course. What about?"

Aurora let out a breath. "I'm thinking about legally changing my last name to Queen. Would that be the world's stupidest idea?"

Felicity shook her head. "No, of course not."

"I was going to talk with Moira and even Oliver and Thea about it first."

Felicity let out a smile. "I think it's a great idea."

Aurora went into her mind for a moment. "You don't think I would be rushing it? I've only known them for a week."

Felicity tilted her head. "It's your birth name, I don't think you're rushing it. I think it is long overdue."

Aurora let out a breath. "Thank you, Felicity. That actually helped a lot."

"That's what friends are for!" Felicity let out another smile before she walked away from Aurora and out of the apartment.

Once Aurora was alone, she allowed for herself to smile with newfound excitement. She still needed to talk with Moira, Oliver and Thea, but she didn't think they would have a problem seeing as they welcomed her with open arms.

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