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Aurora had found that she had like Oliver's club. It was tasteful and appropriate. The past week had been rough on her and Tommy noticed it.

"Do you want something a little stronger than water?"

Aurora looked up from her drink. "What makes you say that?"

Tommy tilted his head. "You've been nursing the water for the last hour and a half."

Aurora pulled in a breath and let it out. "Work. I had a rough week."

Tommy leaned forward. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Aurora let out a small smile. "Give me a Rum and Coke and I'll tell you all about it."

Tommy nodded. "Rum and Coke it is." Tommy didn't go far as he prepared the drink. He set the glass beside Aurora's water and she took a large sip.

She let the alcohol rush down her throat and into her stomach and she suddenly felt warmer. Tommy leaned in again expecting a story.

Aurora took another sip before she spoke. "I had three people die on me this week." Aurora took another sip. "The first one was a man about my dad's age. His new heart never restarted. The second one was a kid, maybe Thea's age. He got into a car accident and had a brain bleed. The third one was this sweet little girl. She reminded me of Emrah. She had Cancer; she didn't make it off the table." Aurora downed the rest of her drink and shivered.

Tommy stood for a moment and soaked up the information. "I'm sorry, Aurora."

Aurora shrugged. "I can't get attached to patients. But these three really hit me hard." She shook her head and looked up at Tommy. "Sorry. I don't mean to be a total buzz kill."

Tommy shook his head and replaced Aurora's drink. "Don't be sorry. I love to hear about your day. No matter how depressing it is."

Aurora gave Tommy a smile and sipped her drink. Tommy got a message on his phone and quickly pulled it out. He frowned and pocketed the phone before he looked up at Aurora.

"I have to go meet someone."

Aurora nodded. "Okay. I'll be here." She gave a smile.

Tommy took her hand a kissed it before he rushed off. Aurora looked down at her drink and let out a slow breath. She wasn't alone for more than five minutes before the seat next to her was taken. She tried to ignore the person, but the man leaned into her personal bubble.

"Can I get you a drink?"

Aurora swallowed and gave the man a side eye. "I'm good. Thanks." She tried to be polite.

The man gave a chuckle. "Playing hard to get. Don't see a lot of that."

Aurora took a sip of her drink but didn't reply.

"I'm Ethan. And you are?"

Before Aurora could ignore the man again. She heard her name being called. She cringed slightly and looked up to Thea as the little sister bounded toward her.

"Aurora. Have you seen Roy?"

Aurora shook her head. "Uh, no. I haven't been really looking, but I'm sure he's somewhere."

Thea didn't notice that Aurora needed help. "Okay. I'll just text him." Thea took out her phone and started walking away.

Aurora turned back to face the bar as the man spoke beside her.

"Aurora? What a pretty name for a pretty lady."

Aurora swallowed. "I'm sorry. I have to go." Aurora took her drink into her hand and quickly skirted away from Ethan. Once she was out of his vicinity, she let out a breath and shot down the rest of her drink. Although, the moment she finished it, she knew it tasted different. The alcohol hid most of the taste, but the powder was still evident.

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