Birth Mother

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"Wow, sounds like she believed you."

Aurora drove in her car on a dark road with Felicity on the Bluetooth.

"Yeah, and I honestly don't know what to think about it."

"Well, you can do one of two things. Get to know them or ignore them. Although, I doubt you would want to ignore them."

Aurora let out a huff, "I don't know, Felicity. I feel like if I get to know them then I would be replacing my parents and my sister."

"Don't think of it like that. From what you told me, Emrah would have wanted you to make new friends. Wasn't that what she would have said? "I made a new friend, you should too, they are rrreeeally good for you." She had a point there."

Aurora let out a small laugh at Felicity's attempt to replicate a five-year-old voice.

"Yeah, your right. She would have relished in having more siblings to play with. Maybe I can love them and love the Queens."

"There you go, that's the right attitude."

Aurora loved Felicity's optimism. "You really know how to make a person think about the bigger picture. It's like a super—"

Aurora never got to finish her compliment as a car came hurdling down the wrong side of the road. Aurora quickly swerved around the car and came to a stop on the side of the road as she watched the convertible crash into a tree. Aurora let out a breath and allowed for some time to get her heart rate back to a normal rhythm before she answered Felicity's questions.

"Aurora? What happened? Are you okay? Aurora?"

Aurora turned to look at the car against the tree. "I'm fine. I have to go Felicity. Somebody got into an accident." Aurora quickly ended the call and pushed her door open. The car that had crashed into the tree was smoking slightly and the driver was unconscious.

Aurora crossed the street and came up to the driver's side to see Thea Queen unconscious with blood on her forehead. Aurora's eyes widened before she rounded to the passenger side to get a better look at Thea.

"Thea? Can you hear me?" Aurora simultaneously pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialed 911.

Aurora put a hand on Thea's wrist to check for a pulse and found it was weak.

"911, what's your emergency?"

The phone was on speaker and Aurora could hear the dispatcher clearly. "Hi, I have a seventeen year old female that crashed her car into a tree near Greenwood Street. Her pulse is thready and she has a laceration on her forehead from the steering wheel."

"Is she conscious?"

Aurora shook her head. "No. I'm guessing LOC upon impact."

"Okay EMS is on their way. Are you EMS trained?"

"Yes." Aurora had taken her phone into her hands and had shined the flashlight into Thea's eyes. "Pupils are equal and reactive."

"Are you injured?"

"No. She never hit me."

"Okay, EMS is on their way."

Aurora swallowed. "Thank you."

"Good luck." The line cut off and Aurora was free to inspect Thea further.

Aurora put her fingers to Thea's neck to get a better pulse. "Thea? Can you hear me?"

Aurora got no response and she let out a breath. Aurora had been traveling to the Queen Manor to attend Thea's party, but she was still wearing her jeans, which had Oliver's number in the pocket. Aurora quickly pulled out the number, typed it into her phone and waited. On the third ring, Oliver answered.

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