Thea Queen

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When morning came, Aurora was already awake. Aurora was used to early morning shifts so being up before most of the hospital was normal for her. Aurora looked down at her phone as it vibrated; it was a text from Felicity. The best friend was still worried and Aurora assured her that everything was fine.

As the sky started to lighten, Thea had started to wake. Aurora stood in front of the window and looked out into the city skyline. Aurora was usually stuck in the operating room and she had very little time to take in Starling City.


The brunette turned and smiled at Thea. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

Thea adjusted her posture. "Like I ran into a tree, but I think I'm okay."

Aurora walked over to the bed. "I talked with the doctor earlier this morning. She said that you can go home today."

Thea perked up. "Really?"

Aurora nodded. "I texted Oliver. He should be bringing you some clothes."

Thea looked around the room. "What time is it?"

"A little past nine." Aurora looked down at her phone again. "Oliver's on his way up."

Thea slowly pulled her body to a sitting position and looked down at her minimal wires. "Will it beep at me if I take this off?"

Aurora went up to the monitor and pressed a few buttons before she shook her head. "Nope. I turned it all off."

Thea started to shimmy out of the bed. "Are you allowed to do that?"

Aurora let out a small smile. "I work here, I don't think they'll yell at me."

The door suddenly opened and Oliver walked in with a handful of clothing.

"And there's Oliver."

Oliver walked over to his sister and looked down at her. "How are you feeling?"

Thea grabbed the clothing and stood. "I feel fine, Ollie."

Aurora grabbed her bag off of her chair adjusted her jacket. "Well, I'll let you guys talk. I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Thea."

Aurora started out of the room, but Oliver quickly walked up to her to block her path. "Could you just wait a few more minutes? I wanted to talk to you."

Aurora pocketed her phone. "Yeah. I'll be in the hallway."

Oliver gave a small smile and let Aurora walk out.

Once Aurora was out in the hallway, she let out a sigh and rubbed at her neck. When her neck popped it startled her and the Nurse that walked by gave her a furrowed brow. Aurora let out a polite smile, but quickly hid her face.

"Aurora? Is that you?"

Aurora quickly looked up at her name and noticed a gentleman walking towards her in a white lab coat. Aurora quickly recognized the man.


The Doctor walked up to the woman with a large smile. "Look how much you've grown! I haven't seen your bright face in years. How have you been?"

Aurora and August collided in a quick hug as Aurora answered. "I've, uh, I've been okay."

August leaned back onto his heels. "What are you doing in Starling?"

Aurora swallowed. "Oh, I moved here a few months ago."

August clicked his tongue. "Right, I heard about your old man and Emrah. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to come to the funeral. I had back to back surgeries."

Aurora let out a sad smile. "It's okay. I said a few things on your behalf. I hope you don't mind."

August shook his head. "No, of course not Peanut. I just wish I was able to be there for you."

As Aurora thought about what to say next, August's phone let out a loud beep and he quickly pulled it out. He let out a sigh once he read the text.

"I gotta go, Kiddo. I really hope that we can catch up later."

Aurora nodded. "I would like that."

August planted a kiss on Aurora's forehead and quickly left the hallway, but Aurora wasn't alone for long. Thea and Oliver walked out of the room in the middle of a conversation.

"She promised me she's not cheating on Walter."

"Like I would trust anything that woman says."

Aurora started to walk in their direction, but before she was able to say a word, she clocked onto the police officer walking down the hallway.

"Ms. Queen!"

Thea turned around at her name.

"Thea Queen?"

Oliver took a minute step forward. "Is there a problem?"

The officer strode up to Thea and Oliver. "We received a call from your doctor. In the event of a vehicular accident they're required to report the result of the driver's Tox screen."

Oliver glanced back at Aurora for a moment.

"Ms. Queen tested positive for a narcotic called Vertigo."

Oliver slowly turned towards Thea with only a disappointed expression on his features.


The officer took Thea by the bicep and turned her around. "Thea Queen, you're under arrest for driving under the influence of narcotics."

Thea let out a string of emotions. She first let out a scoff before her features turned to shock and then worry. Aurora had a crease in her forehead with her own amount of worry as they pulled Thea away. 

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