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Two days later, Aurora got a knock on her door. She was busy in her kitchen and she quickly refocused on her attention. She pulled the cookie sheet from the oven and set it on the stove. She pulled the oven mitts from her hands and pulled the apron off before she rushed through the living room and to the front door. She unlocked the chain before she pulled the door open. To her surprise she found Oliver standing in the complex hallway dressed in a suit.

"Oliver!" Aurora glanced down the apartment hallway. "How did you know where I live?"

Oliver let out a small chuckle. "My security is very good at his job."

"No kidding." It was silent for a moment before Aurora thawed again. "Uh, come in." Aurora opened the door farther and Oliver stepped into Aurora's loft.

"Wow, nice place."

Aurora closed the door. "It's no Queen Mansion, but it's home." Aurora shifted topics. "How's Thea?"

Oliver spun around on his heel. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Thea's Hearing is later this afternoon and I came to ask you if you would like to come?"

Aurora was slightly shocked. "Come to Thea's Hearing?" She let out a breath. "I'm not sure Thea would like that."

Oliver took another step closer. "It was actually her idea."

Aurora let her eyes widen. "Really? Well, I guess I could come."

Oliver let out a smile and gently clapped his hands. "Great! The car is outside whenever you're ready."

Aurora was confused. "What? Now?"

Oliver pulled in a breath through his teeth. "Did I mention it's in an hour?"

Aurora let out a breath. "Let me get cleaned up and changed."

Oliver let out a smile. "John Diggle is my security and he will take you right to the Courthouse. I made a promise to Thea that I would be with her."

Aurora nodded with sudden nervousness. "Okay. I'll, uh, see you there."

Oliver backed out of the apartment and gently closed the door. Aurora let out her breath she was holding and went into action. She turned off the oven and abandoned her cookie making. She quickly freshened herself up and tried to find a Court appropriate outfit. She transferred her necessary items into a small cross body bag, but before she exited her apartment, she let out a breath.

When she walked out onto the sidewalk, there was a man straight in front of her leaning against a black car. The man had beautiful brown skin and little to no hair on his head. He wore a black suit, similar to Oliver, and stood with his hands clasped in front of him. He wasn't wearing sunglasses and Aurora could see the brown of his eyes. When the man spotted her he pushed himself off of the car.


Aurora nodded. "Yeah."

"My name is John Diggle. Mr. Queen has asked me to take you to the Courthouse." John opened the back door and Aurora slowly sat in the tan leather. John shut the door and quickly rounded to the driver's side and they were soon on their way.

Aurora looked out of the window at the buildings and the amount of people never ceased to amaze her. The car ride was quiet and Aurora couldn't tell if she was at fault. She wanted to start a conversation, but she was nervous. She was also curious.

"How long have you been security for Oliver?"

John glanced back at Aurora through the rearview mirror before he answered. "About six months." The car was silent for a moment. "Oliver say's your family?"

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