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Felicity tapped away at her keyboard and shook her head. "It's going as fast as it can." The entire team was in the basement and the analyzer was almost complete. Oliver looked back and saw Tommy with his hand in Aurora's with their conjoined hands to his forehead.

"It's done." Felicity navigated through the computer until the result popped up and stared at all of them in the face.

"What? Are you sure?"

Felicity shook her head with her mouth open. "It can't be. The Count is institutionalized."

Tommy stood, "What is it?"

Oliver turned and let out a breath. "Vertigo. She was drugged with Vertigo."

Tommy didn't believe it. "How in the hell? Is she going to be all right?"

Oliver shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. It could have been one pill or it could have been ten." He turned back to Felicity. "Any chance it says the amount in her blood?"

Felicity tapped away at her computer, but shook her head. "No. Just that it was enough to read on the analyzer." She looked back at her friend.

Tommy sat back down and watched Aurora's breathing. It was quiet in the basement for almost an hour before Tommy suddenly sat straight up when he felt Aurora's hand move.


The team was suddenly on alert as they watched their friend suddenly stir awake with incredible speed. Oliver was almost instinctual; he had the trashcan below her just as Aurora threw up the contents of her stomach. She threw up all of the Cure-All medicine and most of the drug. When she was done, she fell back onto the table with heavy limbs. She didn't open her eyes and Oliver was suddenly worried.

He went up to the table and looked down at her. "Aurora? Can you hear me?"

The sister below him let out a small groan and wiggled her head. She put a hand to her forehead and just now tasted the bile in her mouth. She cringed as she slowly opened her eyes. When she did, she saw four faces. She first looked to Oliver then Tommy then finally Felicity and John. Their faces were fuzzy and she had a hard time coming back to reality.


Aurora looked over at Tommy and swallowed. She was confused for a moment until everything came crashing back to her. She pulled in a gasp and quickly sat up, but the movement cost her. The room around her started to whirl and she had to steady herself before she opened her eyes again. When she did she was completely confused as to where she was and what she was wearing.

Behind Oliver and Felicity was what looked like a lair. The lair was filled with computers, weapons and a green suit in a glass case. Aurora wasn't concerned for what had happened to her, she was more focused on the fact that she was sitting in the Hood's base of operations. Aurora looked to the suit then to Oliver and it suddenly clicked in her mind.

"Oh my god."

Oliver swallowed when he realized why she was reacting. "I can explain."

Aurora pushed to the edge of the table. "Oh my god. You're the Hood. Moira shot you! You killed all those people." Aurora pushed her body off of the table and to her feet, but her body wasn't ready for her weight and she fell. Oliver quickly caught and stabled her.


Aurora looked behind Oliver's arm to Felicity and John. "You knew?"

Felicity couldn't hide her expression as she crinkled her nose. "Sorry."

Aurora looked back at Tommy with bewilderment on her face. As she spun her head back she started to see black dots.

"I don't feel so good."

Oliver got her back up onto the table. "You were drugged."

Aurora's eyes got wide. "Oh my god, I was. How am I okay?"

Oliver shook his head. "You're not. I mixed some herbs to get most of the drug out, but you're still having some effects."

Aurora was confused. "What kind of herbs? Wait." Aurora shifted her thinking. "You saved my life at the Gala. You saved Tommy." Aurora's head tilted back before it popped back straight. She had blacked out for a second. "You're not working with the Hood. You are the Hood." Aurora had already figured it out, but the drugs in her system were making it so that anything surprised her.

Aurora felt her stomach churn again and her face flushed of colour. She didn't have anything left in her stomach, so when she retched, it was only air. Oliver caught her so she didn't fall off of the table. When she was done, he laid her down and looked into her pale blue eyes.

"You need fluids. Will you let me put an IV in you?"

Aurora swallowed. She glanced at the Hood suit in the glass then back up at Oliver before she nodded her head. "I trust you."

Aurora let out her words, but she didn't hear them. Her body was seriously lacking the essentials to keep her conscious and she didn't even feel Oliver stick her with a needle. Before she fell completely unconscious she watched Oliver's movements and couldn't help but realize that now she knew Oliver's secret. She didn't know what that meant for her, but she did know that she trusted Oliver and her life was in his hands. 

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