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[Imagine Kylo looking at you like this, I'm CRYING]

When I came to, I was strapped down to an uncomfortable chair in a dark, round room.


I jumped at a sudden, deep, and slightly muffled voice next to me. I turned my head and saw him. Kylo Ren. I started to shake in fear. I had only heard stories about him, but he seemed so much more intimidating in person. Much taller than I had expected. He walked in front of me and looked down into my face.

"Good. Now tell me where your base is."


He leaned down to my level and seemed amused at my plain respone.

"It's best for you to answer me while I'm giving you this grace. I can lose my tempter quite quickly."

He articulated the last sentence in a staccato manner. He placed his finger under my chin and titled my head back to look straight into his masked eyes,

"I wouldn't want to hurt a pretty thing like you too badly."

I scowled at him.

"My love for the Resistance is stronger than my fear of you."

He laughed softly.


He stretched his hand out close to my face and I felt a painful pulling in my skull, a pain I couldn't describe. I gasped and held my breath, blocking out any thoughts of the base.

"Give me the location."


The pain intensified.

"Give it to me!"


I felt tears slide down my cheeks.

"Don't make me kill you."

"Go ahead!"

I growled back at him. He pulled away and I felt all of the pain leave my body. I exhaled and caught my breath, falling back against the chair.

"Do whatever you like, I'm never going to give in."

He reached out his hand again and I felt a tightening around my throat, I narrowed my eyes. He suddenly stopped



"Were you... were you enjoying that?"

I blushed deeply.

"Of course not!"

He scoffed.

"Aha, I see your deep pleasures. I'm going to have to change my methods."

I closed my eyes, so exhausted.

"I'll leave you here and when I get back, you'd better give me the location... for your sake."

He stormed out of the room with his cape flowing behind him. I had to admit I was embarrassed, but relieved that I had resisted against his mental probing.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now