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"Wake up, (y/n)! We've got training!"

My eyes popped open as soon as Kylo's stern voice filled my ears. Good, he sounds irritated, and I can hear his voice through his mask. Surely he wouldn't kiss me again. I got dressed and met Kylo outside.

"Good morning."

I said cheerfully. He didn't say anything, just kept walking and clenching his fists as he usually did. I tried to probe his mind for anything that would tell me how he's feeling. I wanted so desperately to know what he was thinking about.

Was he thinking about me?

Would he kiss me again?

What if I kissed him?

No, I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and pictured the kiss again, Kylo leaning against the wall *sigh* If he kissed me again I would definitely put my hands in his hair, it looked so soft and that would probably be the only excuse I would have to touch Kylo's hair.

"Could you at least TRY to control your thoughts?"

My eyes snapped open and I noticed that Kylo had stopped walking.


"I can hear them loud and clear."

I started to panic.

"What did you..."

"You've got some nerve thinking you can touch my hair."

I tried to hold in my laugh.

"That's what you're protective over? Your hair?"

He started walking again.

"Oh, c'mon Kylo! It looks so soft!"

He ignored me. I wish he didn't have his mask on, then I could at least read his facial expression. Was he smiling or frowning? If I knew he was smiling, I would keep teasing. But, he might be frowning and in that case I could be in danger. I silently followed him to the training room. Kylo let out a deep sigh after sitting down on one of the chairs.

"What would you like to do today?"


I was take aback by the questiom.

"I- I don't know. You're the teacher here, Kylo."

He stared at me, still as a statue except for his chest rising and falling with each breath.

"Kylo, what are you thinking right now? What are you expecting me to say? What are my options?"

"Well, I know your arm still hurts from me hitting it. But I also know that you get bored when I do force practice with you. So, tell me what you want."

I thought about telling him that I just wanted to take a nap, but I couldn't read his facial expression and didn't know if it was appropriate to be making jokes at this time.

"Let's try saber fighting."

I knew that if we did saber fighting:

#1: He would have to take off his mask and I would be able to at least get some idea of what he's thinking.

#2: Arms.

"Are you sure? You said your arm-"

I stood up and took my saber off my belt.

"C'mon Kylo."

He sighed again and stood up, taking off his helmet then his coat.

"You'd better fight for real today."

My lips curled into a smirk.

"Come at me, pretty boy."

He furrowed his brow, igniting his lightsaber. I lunged forward first and he blocked my attack easily. I swung again and again, finding some kind of a rhythm. Soon, the room was filled with nothing but the sounds of our lightsabers hitt each other and heavy breathing. My arm ached, but I was determined to prove myself to Kylo.

"You're doing well today."

Kylo said without faltering in his attacks.

"I told you I was good."

"You certainly weren't this good yesterday. I think my kiss inspired you."

Oh, so he WAS going to acknowledge it.

"Not sure how Snoke would feel about that, Ren."

He scowled and clenched his jaw. He swung his saber towards me and I ducked just in time. I was an an inch away from getting decapitated.

"Kylo! You almost killed me!"

He retracted the blades of his saber and stared at me with concerned eyes.

"Snoke can't know."

"Know what? That you almost killed me? I think he would be-"

"About the kiss."

I looked at the ground.


I heard Kylo groan.

"I shouldn't have done it."

I felt my bottom lip quiver but I wasn't going to let myself cry.


I asked in a very quiet voice.

"Because... well... that kind of thing isn't supposed to happen."

I looked up at him.

"Kylo, do you feel anything towards me?"

He looked away.

"Of course not."

I saw him swallow nervously.

"Then why did you do it?"

I looked down at the lightsaber in my hands.

"What am I even doing? I need to get back to the Resistance! I can't believe you brainwashed me with your devilish good looks!"

He looked at me.

"My devilish good looks?"

I glared at him.

"Oh, shut up Kylo. I know you own a mirror."

I threw my saber to the side and saw Kylo flinch like he wanted to run over a grab it off the ground.

"Kylo, I'm done. I don't want to train with you. I need to get back to the Resistance."

He glared at me.

"Well you can't. You're stuck here with me whether you like it or not."

"I'll find a way to escape."

He smirked a bit.

"Good luck with that."

I ran out the door and to my room, locking the door behind me. I changed out of my sweaty clothes and put on one of Kylo's t-shirts, then crawled into bed. I was still breathing heavily from fighting and tried to slow my heart rate.

Did I really just do that?

Is Kylo going to kill me now?

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now