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I laid there in shock. What just happened? It was all too much to process. One minute, Kylo had been ready to rip my clothes off, the next minute he was willing to give me up for some wrinkly toe looking alien. My bed felt so cold, so empty. I wrapped my arms around myself and sobbed. I didn't care if anyone outside heard me. I wept, I cried, I screamed.


My throat hurt, my eyes stung, my nose was running. I looked at my bedside table and saw my lightsaber. I thought about throwing it at the wall and destroying it just like Kylo destroyed my heart, but stopped myself. I stood up and held it in my hands, breathing heavily. I ignited it, wincing at the loud noise. My gaze shifted to my bed. I could picture us so clearly, kissing and giggling. I could hear him making empty promises. I screamed at the top of my lungs and swung, slashing everywhere I could. I was blinded by hot tears, my hair was sticking to my tear-stained cheeks. Soon, all that was left was strips of fabric and chunks of foam. I sank down to my knees and threw my lightsaber to the side. 

That was a terrible decision.

Why did Kylo have his tantrums?

I didn't feel any better, if anything I felt worse.

I laid down on the floor, resting my head on one of the larger pieces of foam. I closed my eyes and fell into an un-peaceful slumber. 

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now