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Kylo was much more careful in training me with the lightsaber than he was with the pipe.

"I'm getting the hang of this!"

I exclaimed as I blocked all of Kylo's attacks. He increased his aggression to match my learning pace. His brow was furrowed and jaw clenched in concentration. I would've been terrified if I was his enemy. 

Wait, I am his en-


I shrieked as he grazed my arm with his blade. I fell to the ground, clutching my upper arm.


Kylo dropped down next to me and gently pulled me off the ground to lay in his arms. 

"Are you alright? I didn't mean to..."

I cried hysterically, the pain in my arm was unbearable. I felt Kylo lift me off the ground and rush down the hallway. I could hear him breathing heavily, his heart was racing in panic.


Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now