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When I opened my eyes again, it was quiet. The room was dark and it seemed like I was alone. But... I sensed something else...

"Ah, so I've found you."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at a familliar voice.

"How did you find me? Where is everyone?"

Kylo sat down next to me.

"Listen to me. The force is too strong in you to ignore. How could you waste it all on being a pilot?"

I scoffed.

"I'm not wasting it. I'm not bothering to use it because I saw what it did to you and all of the other Skywalkers. It brings them nothing but danger."

He was silent for a moment.

"I could help you. I could show you the ways of the force, I can teach you how to control it."

He put his gloved hand on my shoulder.

"You heard the whispers, you heard the ghost of my grandfather telling you to join me. This is your destiny."

I brushed off his hand.

"I don't want this."

"You can't just waste your power on getting water from a stormtrooper!"

"Leave me alone or just kill me. Stop trying to bring me to the dark side."

He sighed and stood up.I expected him to walk out the door, but he pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it. I jumped back in fear.

"Don't be scared."

"How am I not supposed to be scared?"

He retracted the blade and held out the saber to me.

"Try it. Tell me how it feels."

I looked away from him. He jiggled his hand a bit, egging on my curiosity.

"C'mon. I know you're curious."

I turned to him and shakily took it from him. It felt warm in my hand, yet unstable. It felt like wearing someone else's shoes that had worn down to only fit their feet. I ignited the blade and felt a jolt through my arm.

'I could kill Kylo right now. I could end all of this right now.'

I looked up from the lightsaber and straight at him. He was still, waiting to see my next move.

'No. That's not right.'

I disengaged the blade and held it out to him.

"How did it feel?"

He asked as he attached it back to his belt. 

"I felt nothing."

"Don't lie to me."

He turned to the door.

"You'll join me, and I'll wait patiently for that time to come."

And then, he was gone.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now