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I looked around and saw the snow, and the snow, and the... snow.

"Kylo, Hoth is- you can't LIVE on Hoth!"

"Trust me, I have a plan. Just trust me. No one will find us here."

I tried to look like I trusted him, but in reality I would rather be training on Star Killer Base with Kylo than living on Hoth. He landed the ship and we went out into the cold. I was still only wearing one of his over-sized shirt and underwear. It only went down to my mid-thigh, so I was shaking like crazy.

"K-Kylo, is th-this a joke? Are you p-p-pranking me?"

He took my hand.

"Hang on, I've got clothes for you. I didn't know you'd stay in your underwear."

He started to go through a bag I hadn't noticed he had.

"K-Kylo, you literally grabbed me mid-mental b-break down. You d-didn't give me enough t-t-time to get p-pants."

"I, personally, don't mind you not wearing pants. But, until we get into the house, you've got to stay warm."

"The house?"

Kylo pulled out a pair of black sweat pants.

"Put these on."

He pulled out a jumper.

"And this."

I did so, then he took my hand and I squinted my eyes to see a small house just barely visible on the horizon.

"I didn't know there were houses on Hoth."

"I had it secretly built. Just in case I needed to disappear."

I looked at him.

"You're really prepared, aren't you?"

He shrugged.

"You can never be too careful."

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now