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I slept just fine that night, albeit I was a bit loopy. I couldn't stop smiling and giggle. I hugged my blankets tight against me and tried to take deep breathes.

"That will NOT happen again. I can't believe I kissed Kylo Ren."

I said in a disgusted voice, but then I smiled.

"I can't believe I kissed Kylo Ren."

I said in a dreamy voice. Once I got my brain out of la la land, I felt ashamed. 

What would Poe and Leia think?

How will Kylo act tomorrow?

Will he bring it up or ignore it?

Will he do it again?

I smiled and bit my lip.

"God, I hope he does it again."

I shook my head.

Woah there, (y/n).

Calm down.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now