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Soon, another attack on Star Killer Base was organised. We took off in our X-Wings, all following Poe's commands. 

"Alright, remember, our goal is to only distract them while we get the shields back up."

The generator had glitched, causing out shields to completely drop. We couldn't rink an attack directly onto the base, so we all flew out as distractions in case of a surprise attack. And, it seemed to work. I felt anger bubbling up inside of me as I fired back at the TIE Fighters. 

What was I angry at?

Suddenly I felt a blast to the end of my ship, sending me into a tail spin. My ship wen't spiraling down to the giant evil sphere that was Star Killer Base. I crashed down onto the loading dock and leaned my head back against my cockpit seat. I let out deep breaths and waited for the world around me to stop spinning. The cockpit was forced open by some stormtroopers and they pulled me out.

"Am I being rescued?"

I asked in slurred words, in a daze. The forced a pair of cuffs on me.

"Shut up, rebel scum."

Apparently not...

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now