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I ran away from him, not quite sure where I was going. There was no way off this ship without being noticed. I ducked behind a corner as two stormtroopers marched past. I moved my hand and they ran into each other, going unconscious. I dragged one to the side and took off their helmet. Just my luck, it was a girl. I pulled off her armor and left her in my old flying gear.

"Now I see why they miss all the time... I can't see a thing in this dumb helmet."

I mumbled to myself as I wandered down the hall. I kept the posture of a stormtrooper, being sure to blend in. 

'What's my plan? What do I do?'

I heard an alarm go off and suddenly a bunch of troopers ran past me towards a ship. I followed them and stood next to them as the door closed and we took off. I wanted to ask where we were going, but that would give me away. We landed on a planet I couldn't recognise and scattered around. I pointed my blaster like them but didn't shoot. I recognised some people in resistance gear firing back at the troopers. I moved to run towards them but then I remembered that I was dressed like a trooper and they wouldn't hesitate to shoot me down. I made sure they saw, laid down my blaster, then held my hands up in surrender. I slowly walked towards them and they luckily didn't fire at me. Once I was close enough to be safe, I took off the helmet and threw it to the side.

"It's (y/n)!"

I smiled as they let me past the barricade and into the large building they were hiding out in. I could still hear guns outside as I took off the armor I had been disguised in until I was just left in a black long sleeve shirt and black pants. I hadn't realised how tired I was and how much my feet hurt until I sat down. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now