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[This chapter is a little saucy ;)]

I slowly opened my eyes the next morning, trying to remember the strange dream I had had. I sighed and let myself be comforted by the strong arms wrapped around me and listened to Kylo's steady breathing. I had never spooned before, but it felt like Kylo's body fit against mine like two puzzle pieces. Our legs were tangled together and I could feel how cold his feet were. Most likely because my blanket wasn't long enough to cover his full frame. I took a deep breath, then rolled over and looked at him. His eyes were open and they had a light behind them that hadn't been there before. He leaned forward and kissed me, his grip around me tightening. I let myself be held, making myself as small in his arms as I could. 

"We have to get up."

He mumbled, brushing his fingers through my tangled hair.

"Why? Let's just stay here forever. You're a dangerously good cuddler."

"I've never really cuddled a girl before. Am I holding you too tightly?"

I giggled a bit.

"You can hold me tighter, if you like."

I felt so secure, I completely forgot I was on Star Killer Base. I sighed and slowly reached my hand up to run my fingers through that tempting hair of his. He allowed me to do so, smiling a bit.

"You got your wish after all, you adorable brat."

I moved my hand to his face, stroking his cheek with the back of my knuckles. 

"You're driving me crazy." 

He said before kissing me again.

"Am I now?"

He bit his lip and scanned my face, causing me to blush.

"We've got to get to training, Kylo."

He rolled on top of me.

"Do we?"

I blushed deeper.

"Yes, we-"

"I'm your master, remember?"

He kissed me again, his lips lingering on mine for a moment longer than usual.

"Well, yes, but-"

"So that means it's ok for you to miss training if you have my permission, right?"

It didn't take being strong with the force to sense where his mind was going.

"Kylo, we can't..."

"Can't what?"

He asked, smirking down at me.

"We can't do this. Not now. You'll get in trouble with Snoke."

The last word seemed to make him tense up.

"Snoke can't find out."

He mumbled, rolling off of me. He sat on the end of my bed and brushed his messy hair back. 

"Snoke is already suspicious of us. I think he knows about out feelings towards each other."

"So, you're admitting that we have feelings towards each other?"

Kylo laughed.

"I hope we do, or all that kissing would've been kinda odd."

I blushed.

"You're right. I do like you, Kylo. I like you a lot."

"Well, I like you too."

There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air for a bit.

"Well... are you going to kiss me or not?"

He smiled and leaned towards me, pressing his lips against mine again. I tangled my fingers in his long black hair as his kiss got more and more passionate. His lips moved down to my neck and I let out a small moan. He silenced me with a kiss on the lips.

"You have to be quiet. The stormtroopers can hear us."

He whispered against my lips.


I whispered back. I suddenly felt his hand wrap around my throat as he kissed me again.

"Mine if I keep this here?"

"O-of course now."

He smiled into another kiss.

"I know."

I laid down on my back as Kylo shifted all of his weight onto me. I had never imagined I would ever be this intimate with Kylo Ren, especially not willingly. But, here I was. In bed with Kylo Ren with his hand around my throat.

Kylo Ren...

Leia and Poe suddenly came into my mind. 

The Resistance.

They would be so disappointed.

"What's wrong? Am I gripping too tight?"

Kylo asked, pulling away from me.

"No... I..."

How was I supposed to tell him how I was feeling.

"Kylo, I really like you. But I'm not supposed to. We're supposed to be enemies, aren't we?"

I sat up and fixed my shirt, which he had almost pulled off.

"We don't have to be enemies. You said you would train with me."

"Kylo, I has half asleep. I don't know what to do. I'm being torn apart."

"(y/n), just train with me. I'll make you feel safe and secure. I'll protect you with my life and teach you how to control your power."

"Kylo, I really like you, I really do. But I can't follow Snoke like you do. He's a terrible person. I'll join you, Kylo, but I refuse to obey Snoke."

Kylo processed the words.

"I have to obey Snoke. You don't know the power he has. He's wise and strong in the force."

He stood up and slowly made his way to the door.

"It's me or Snoke, Kylo."

He stopped.

"I'm sorry."

Then he left.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now