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He grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him. He stomped down the long white hallways while the stormtroopers stood and stared. I couldn't bear to keep my mouth closed anymore

"Where are you taking me?"

I questioned, trying to free my arm from his iron grip. But, it was useless. He pulled me into a room, closing the door behind us. I looked around and rubbed my wrist where his bruising grip had been. My eyes widened as they landed on something.

"Is that..."

He turned and looked at what I was looking at. He turned back to me and I could feel his smirk through the mask.

"Darth Vader's helmet? Yes it is."


He motioned towards it.

"You can take a closer look if you like."

I glanced at him, then back at the helmet. I stepped towards it and stared. It was destroyed, but still recognisable. I had heard legends of the great Darth Vader, his ruthless ways and his power so great that no one could stand in his way. I heard whispering from it in a language I didn't know. The whispering filled my head and clouded my thoughts. I held my head in my hands and stumbled backwards. Kylo caught me right before I hit the ground and helped me stand up quite roughly.

"What? What did you see? Did you see anything?"

I shook my head.

"I heard voices... whispering."

He looked over at the helmet.

"What were they saying?"

"I don't... I don't know."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned down to eye level.

"Yes you do. Search your feelings."

I closed my eyes.

"My name... it was calling my name... telling me to..."

"To what?"

I glared at him.

"I'll never join you!"

I pushed him aside and stormed out of the room. He was hot on my heels and caught my arm.

"You'll see soon. You can't resist the darkness much longer."

I pulled my arm away.

"Yes I can. I'm with the Resistance. That's what we do, resist."

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now