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Kylo took me to a large room with black walls, it was filled with chairs and tables.

"Your first lesson will be about the force."

He gestured towards a chair and motioned for me to sit down. I rolled my eyes and did so.

"Close your eyes."

I didn't like the idea of not being able to see my enemy, but I knew I had no choice.

"Take a deep breath."

I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth.

"I'm going to place an object in front of you. I want you to life it and place it on the table next to you."


"Don't speak, just feel."

I sighed and imagines the floor. I didn't know what the object was, but I tried to feel it.

"Good, good."

Apparently I was doing something right. I heard a soft clunk next to me and I opened my eyes. On the table next to me was Kylo's lightsaber.

"That was really good, I'm surprised."

I had to admit I was proud of myself. We continued to do that all day; chairs, tables, wrenches, trash cans. It got rather boring after a while, but Kylo seemed to be having the time of his life. I couldn't blame him, I don't think he had ever experienced what it was like to have a student, it was always the other way around. I yawned.

"Kylo, I'm tired. How long do we have to do this?"

"Right, you're probably getting bored. Tomorrow will be better, I just wanted to see how strong your powers are as of now."

He led me down the hall and opened a black door. Inside was a white room with a black bed in the corner and a desk next to it.

"There's a closet right there, I gave you some of my clothes I don't use. Obviously I don't own any women's clothing."


He left and closed the door behind me. I exhaled loudly. Great, I wouldn't have to see his ugly mask until the next day. I went to the closet and saw a bunch of black shirts. There weren't any pajama pants so I just threw on one of the shirts and curled up under the blankets.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now