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Someone was shaking me awake, but I refused to wake up. I never wanted to move ever again.


I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Fuck off, Kylo."

"Listen! We've got to go! Get up!"

He was whisper-yelling. I opened my eyes and gazed up at him. His hair was messy and his eyes were filled with fear. I sat up, my natural instinct was to comfort him.

"Kylo, what's wrong?"

I placed my hand on his cheek, it was extremely warm.

"Kylo, you're so hot."

"Now isn't the time for flirting, we have to get out of here."

"I wasn't flirt-"

"I killed Snoke."

My breath caught in my throat.

"You... you did what?"

"Hurry, get up. We have to go."

He held out his hand.

"Kylo, you're bleeding."

I couldn't tell where the blood was coming from., his hands were covered in it.

"Later. We have to go."

I brought my lightsaber to my hand from across the room and rushed out the door with him.

"No one has realised yet. The escape pods are this way."

We snuck down the halls to a big room with escape pods. We ran up to one of them.


We froze. Hux. Kylo turned around and put on a calm look.


"Where are you going?"

"I'm doing something for training with (y/n). It's a force-users-only field trip, sorry."

"Does the Supreme Leader know?"

Kylo nodded, giving Hux a smug look that was too sexy to describe.

"He's well aware. Now, if you'll excuse us."

Kylo put his hand on my lower back and guided me to the ship. As soon as we were safe inside, Kylo closed the door and rushed to the controls.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon."

The ship came to life and we sped out of the base. Kylo punched into some coordinates and we jumped to lightspeed. He let out a sigh of relief, then turned around and kissed me.

"I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry."

Surprisingly, I had tears left. More tears poured down my cheeks and I sniffled.

"Kylo, please never do that again."

"Do what?"

I looked up at him.

"Make me feel worthless."

His eyes turned sad, so heart-breakingly sad.

"I... I made you feel worthless?"

I nodded, crying more.

"I felt like garbage. You said all these sweet things, touched me, did everything a girl ever needed from a guy. And then you left me. You didn't even explain why, you just left."

He smoothed my hair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I don't know how I got the courage to... to kill him."

"I need to sit down."

I went over to one of the seats in the ship and rested my head in my hands.

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going to disappear."


He nodded, rubbing my shoulder in a comforting way.

"To somewhere that we never have to worry about anything. Somewhere were we can just... be."

"I like that idea."

He sat down behind the controls and we came out of lightspeed.

"Where are we?"


Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now