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I heard a familiar deep voice say quietly. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock next to my bed: 3:45am.


He was standing next to my bed.

"Kylo, what do you want?"

I asked sleepily.

"I want to apologise."

I sat up and patted the bed for him to sit down. He sat down and stared down at his lap.

"I'm sorry I haven't been treating you well."

I rolled my eyes.

"Kylo, you've treated me fine."

He looked into my eyes.

"Will you still train with me?"

I looked away from him, holding back tears.

"Kylo... I... my heart is with the Resistance."

"I don't want to have to kill you."

The words shook me to my core, scared me to death.

"You won't."

"I will do what I must."

I started to cry, maybe he would actually kill me. Who was I to assume he wouldn't?

"(y/n)... I didn't mean to upset you."

Then, something odd happened. I felt him wrap his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I let myself be held, resting my cheek against his collarbone. The feeling I felt right now, being held by Kylo, was the same I had felt a few nights ago. When I couldn't sleep because of the pain in my arm, they were his arms. I could feel it.

"I can't go against Snoke."

I sighed, my eyelids starting to feel heavy.

"It's ok, Kylo."


He whispered. His voice was so vulnerable, so pure and desperate.

"Ok, I'll train with you."

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now