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We landed on a very green planet. There were trees so high that the sun was completely blocked out.

"Trooper? What's your name?"

"FN-0328, ma'am."

"FN-0328, stay with the ship and don't leave until I return with Kylo Ren."

"Yes, ma'am."

I took one last look at the ship and FN-0328. I could hear gunfire and yelling in the distance, so I closed my eyes and followed my ears. When I opened my eyes again, I was on the edge of the woods.I hid behind a tree and peeked out to see stormtroopers and rebel's lifeless bodies scattered on the ground. As I made my way towards  the base, I tried my best to not look at the bodies. I couldn't bear to see a face I might recognise. The gun shots and screams seemed to be getting quieter, the battle seemed to be coming to an end. I snuck down the halls of the base until I reached the battle. Rebels and troopers were taking cover behind fallen objects and shooting at each other. There couldn't be more than 10 of them on each side. 

Where is Kylo?

I continued to sneak down the halls until I reached the back of the base. I looked up and saw multiple ships leaving the atmosphere, to far away to do anything. I then saw a tall black figure standing in the distance, staring up at the ships.


He turned around, quickly igniting his saber.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?"

He retracted the blade and attached it to his belt.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm destroying the Resistance."

I glanced up at the ships.

"Good job."

I said, sarcastically. 

"Who allowed you to leave Star Killer Base?"

"Kylo, you've got to get troopers that aren't so weak minded."

Kylo and I looked back to the sky just in time to see the rebel ships jump to lightspeed. I felt my heart follow them. I was so close to my home, to my family. I wished I could've been on one of those ships.

"Come on, Kylo. Let's go."

I turned and started walking towards to woods where the ship and FN-0328 were waiting.

"What? Go where?"

"How do you think I got here, Kylo? Let's go."

He started to argue back but I kept walking. I just wanted to go back to the base and take a nap. Kylo caught up with me.

"You never cease to amaze me, (y/n)."

I sighed and kept walking.

"And why is that, Kylo?"

"You had the chance to escape."

I stopped in my tracks.

"You could've asked that stormtrooper to take you anywhere. You could've just left me here and followed the Resistance, but you came to get me. You're making me come back with you."

I tried to think of a witty comeback to hide the fact that he was right. I turned around and looked at him.

"And so?"

"This is further proof that you care about me."

"Further proof?"

"I can sense your feelings, your mind isn't as strong as you seem to think it is."

"There aren't any feelings, your magic powers must be malfunctioning. The only thing I feel towards you is irritation."

I turned back around and continued towards the ship.


I saw the familiar stormtrooper waiting for us.

"Thank you for waiting."

Kylo, FN-0328, and I boarded the ship.

"So this is the stormtrooper?"

Kylo stared at him and I heard his start to choke.

"Kylo! Kylo stop!"

FN-0328 fell to the ground.

"What the Hoth, Kylo? He was helping me!"

"Yeah, he was. And now he isn't."

I scoffed and sat down in the copilot's seat. 

"You really are a jerk, you know that?"

He looked at me.

"You know, I would choke you right now. But, you'd enjoy that too much, wouldn't you?"

He said in a mocking tone that made me want to punch him right in the mask.

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now