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I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I forced my eyes open and frowned.


"(y/n), get up right now. I'm not asking again."

Kylo's voice was loud and clear.

"What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up. Get dressed and meet me in the training room."

I heard his heavy footsteps disappear down the hall. I stretched my arms out in front of me and forced myself out of bed. After I made the bed, I went over to the closet and put om a short sleeved black shirt and black jeans. His whole wardrobe seemed to be sponsored by Hoth Topic.

"Freaking emo..."

I mumbled under my breath, although I wasn't one to talk as I live in the colour black too. 

Kylo was waiting for me in the training room. He was holding two plastic pipes that were the size of lightsabers.

"You're not trained enough to use a real lightsaber yet. Plus, you don't have one. We are going to use these pipes for now."

He took off his cloak and I saw that he was wearing a sleeveless black shirt.

'Damn, Kylo's got ARMS.'

He handed me one of the poles, then reached up and removed his helmet.

"Damn, Kylo's... HOT."

He had thick, silky black hair that was perfectly styled even though he had been wearing the helmet. His brown eyes seemed to have a million stories behind them. He smirked a bit, clearly sensing that I found him way too attractive to be a Sith Lord. My grip on the pipe tightened?

'What had I been expecting? That he would be ugly? That he might be old? Maybe Snoke Jr.? Doesn't the dark side turn your into Palpatine?'

All I knew was that I wasn't expecting him to be... him. Am I drooling???


He raised an eyebrow.

"Why what?"

I shook my head.


'Why do you wear that helmet?'

"Raise the pipe, treat it as if it is a lightsaber."

I nodded and held the 'saber' up. He lunged at me, swinging his pipe. I screamed and ducked out of the way. I swung my pipe and hit his. He kept swinging at me and I kept blocking his hits. His pipe hit my arm hard and I cried out.

"Ow! You hit me!"

"What were you expecting?"

I rubbed my arm. He shifted his weight to one leg and looked at me, leaning against his pipe.

"That was pretty good. You're better than I was expecting."


"I'll let you catch your breath then we'll go for round two."

Don't Run From The Dark Side--Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now