S1 E4: All A Game?

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Samantha: Recap time!

Davis: So Samantha found this really weird thing and Connor with his newfound intelligence found it was called the build driver. That allowed her to transform into a hero called "Kamen Rider Build"!

Samantha: And I really gave Blood Stalk a run for his money!

Davis: I'm not sure if he would surrender after just one punch.

Samantha: Oh shut up. Anyways that's probably not the last we'll see of him.

Davis: Find out what happens next right about... Now!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. A few days have passed and Blood Stalk is making his presence more widely known around campus. Wanted posters from team build have only helped this cause, despite the fact that nearly nobody can match up to Blood Stalk. Camera focus is on theater where Samantha, Davis, Connor and Christine are all enduring a lecture)

Christine: So you're saying that you essentially formed a superhero team?

Samantha: More or less. That Blood Stalk guy is going to have to think twice before messing around with our college.

(Jack walks in noticeably later than normal, once again with a trench coat and flat cap)

Professor: Jack, good to see you! Is everything okay? You didn't show up for a few days.

Jack: I was out with the flu, my dearest apologies.

Samantha: We helped him catch up.

Professor: That's a relief.

(The lecture continues on as normal, but Jack then proceeds to sit right inbetween Christine  Samantha)

Samantha: You couldn't have found another spot?

Jack: Sorry.

(Samantha decides to pay it no mind, and Jack quietly talks with Christine as the professor still lectures. A few more minutes pass and suddenly Jack holds his head as if in pain)

Jack: Ugh... My head...

Professor: Jack? Are you sure you're alright? Need to step out for a little bit?

Jack: Yeah, I'd like to, thanks.

(Jack slowly trudges out, still holding his head and the lecture continues with Christine occasionally writing in various notes in Jack's notebook to save him trouble)

Samantha: You're a pretty good friend.

Christine: Jack's pulled me out of some literal hellholes and I've done the same for him.

(Eventually break comes around and Samantha takes her box of supplies with her, knowing it holds the build driver. The group relaxes on the benches outside until they see a certain someone approach them)

Blood Stalk: I come around this campus, give you a hard time and I get this in return? (Reveals one of the wanted posters from around campus) If I hadn't known any better I would have thought this was some sort of attempt at a popularity stint. This has also been drawn in very bad taste. I do not look that bad!

Samantha: Um, yes you do. Go take a look in the mirror next time.

Blood Stalk: Insolent fool.

(Blood Stalk slaps Samantha across the face, and when she recovers she opens her supply box, puts on the build driver and pulls out the bottles before shaking them)

Rabbit! Tank! Best match!

Samantha: I'll show you insolent!

(Samantha turns the crank and once again Blood Stalk tries to stop the transformation, with little to no success)

Are you ready?

Samantha: Henshin!

(The snap ride builder slams together, encasing Samantha in the all too familiar armor!)

Hagane no Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!

Samantha: Ready for round two?

Blood Stalk: I'm always ready!

(The two get into a fight, with Blood Stalk slowly gaining the advantage)

Blood Stalk: You may have the armor of a hero, but you have the skill of a pack rat!

(Blood Stalk proceeds to hoist Samantha in the air before throwing her. Samantha then gets up, defiant, and decides to spin the crank again, illuminating the blue part of Samantha's armor)

Ready, GO!

(A literal chart materializes, with the line slowly going down until it wraps itself around Blood Stalk)

Blood Stalk: What the?! What is this?!

Vortex Finish!

(Samantha catapults herself to the top of the chart and rides the line down before delivering a nasty flying side kick, nailing Blood Stalk in the neck and sending him flying. In the process two bottles fly out of Blood Stalk's pockets before he finally hits the ground, dazed)

Blood Stalk: Ugh... My head's spinning...

Samantha: Looks like I beat you again!

Blood Stalk: Only because I let you have that one...

Davis: Hey, what are those?

(Connor picks up the two bottles that fell out of Blood Stalk's pockets. One of them is yellow and the other is a darker shade of blue than the tank bottle)

Connor: I'll be taking these thank you very much.

(Blood Stalk finally gets back up, realizes that the two bottles are missing and glares at team build)

Blood Stalk: I'll let you have this one as well, but I swear I will be back and you are going to regret messing with me!

(Blood Stalk vanishes via gas yet again, leaving the group confused)

Davis: Can we really take him seriously?

Samantha: It almost seems like he's been playing with us.

Christine: Well, you managed to chase him off yet again and class is about to start back up so let's head back.

(The group heads back to class, and a few minutes pass before Jack joins the group)

Samantha: You alright? Head feeling better?

Jack: Kind of... It got worse for a few seconds but it's getting better.

Christine: I also took some notes down for you.

Jack: Thanks.

(Once class ends everyone heads off to where they need to be, except for Connor, Samantha and Davis, who head into that empty classroom like before)

Connor: So these also go with the build driver...

Davis: So do we have to take turns using that thing?

Connor: With my intelligence, and the tools, I may actually be able to reproduce that build driver.

Samantha: Well, what would you need to build it then?

Connor: ...A lot. You might wanna create a shopping list to help me out.

(Samantha rips out a sheet of paper from her notebook and Connor lists what he needs)

Davis: We can definitely get that to you.

Connor: We won't need this until next time we meet so take your time.

Davis: Blood Stalk beware, there's another hero entering the board!


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