Season 2 Finale: Tank THIS!

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Jack: Recap time! There's no playing around this time!

Sebastian: I somehow got my butt kicked by Connor, but there's no way I'm letting something like THAT happen again!

Jack: And then I put Connor in his place. I hope that taught him a lesson.

Sebastian: Tune in this episode to see us duke it out and show those idiots who's boss!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Jack and Christine sit a couple seats apart as of the events from last episode, and Samantha and Davis have done more or less the same thing with Connor in the middle)

Connor: So are you sure you two got this? You've got one hell of a fight.

Davis: We can manage this, don't worry.

Samantha: I have just the thing to deal with him, you made it after all.

(The class goes on without a break, but this time they're dismissed later than normal. By this time day has turned to night and Jack is the first to head out as he meets up with Sebastian. Samantha, Connor, Davis and Christine all head out as one unit, and it's not long before both sides run into one another)

Jack: So, you didn't chicken out after all.

Samantha: What made you think we would chicken out?

Jack: Oh, many things.

Evol driver!

Sclash driver!

Over the evolution!

Danger! Crocodile!

Cobra! Rider system! REVOLUTION!

(Jack spins the crank while Sebastian prepares)

Are you ready?

Jack and Sebastian: Henshin!

(The two transform and prepare for battle!)

Evolt: Alright, let's see this.

Samantha: You want it? You got it!

Hazard on! Max hazard on!

(Samantha shakes the fullfull bottle for longer before she spins the cap to reveal blue instead of red)

Tank! Tank and tank! Build up! Don ten kan! Don ten kan!

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Are you ready?

Samantha: Henshin!

(Once the hazard ride builder vanishes, a blue tank emerges instead of a red rabbit, but the transformation process is all the same)

Kōtetsu no Blue Warrior! TankTank! Yabei! Tuei!

Samantha: I'm already liking these new guns!

Davis: Now it's my turn!


Are you ready?



Davis: I'm all fired up and ready to go! Let's do this Samantha!

Samantha: Right! CHARGE!

(An all out fight breaks out with Christine and Connor watching from a distance. Sebastian is getting his butt handed to by Davis)

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