S2 E9: Destructive Driving

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Christine: A little recap time!

Samantha: So Connor managed to knock you out of your strange control is that right?

Christine: Yeah, I'm not sure what happened but all I know was Jack did it, but that just isn't him!

Samantha: That's what I'm trying to explain to Davis but he's so thickheaded! Well I'm going to try and prove it once and for all!

Christine: Watch our most recent attempt in this episode!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Davis is dead set on finding Jack and taking him down before he can cause any more havoc)

Davis: Just you wait, I've been doing a little extra training to ensure that I score victory against you, you world conqueror wannabe.

(Flashback to Davis training as normal and training under the effects of the sclash driver)

Davis: You're going down, whether you want to or not, and this time it'll be permanent!

Jack: (Offscreen) Wow, sounds like something out of one of those cheesy action movies. You know, when the hero prepares himself for the big ultimate battle and wins and everything?

(Camera clarifies to reveal Jack standing before Davis)

Jack: Well I'm about to turn that little cliche on it's head.

Davis: Like you will! I'm bringing  you down!

Sclash driver!

Dragon jelly!

Evol driver!

Over the evolution!

Cobra! Rider system! REVOLUTION!

(Jack spins his crank while Davis prepares)

Are you ready?

Jack and Davis: Henshin!

(The two transform and prepare for battle)

Twin breaker!

Steam blade!

Jack: I borrowed this from my friend, it'll do me good in taking you down.

(The two charge at one another and they clash as Evolt does his best to dodge the twin breaker's screw while Davis does his best to dodge the wild slashes)

Evolt: You've certainly improved!

Davis: I appreciate that!

(Davis manages to drive the screw into Evolt's head, but only manages to make sparks fly as Evolt knocks Davis back)

Evolt: Ow!

Davis: You like that?

(Davis does it again, this time striking low, and Evolt crumples to the ground)

Evolt: Oof... Ow... Ow... Ow...

Davis: I take it you really didn't like that one did you? Now to end this!

(Davis calls for his cross-z dragon and slots it into the twin breaker)

Ready, GO!


(A chinese dragon forms behind Davis as he charges and hits Evolt with the mother of all punches. Davis is forced out of his transformation as Evolt lands on his face, but he does not untransform. If anything he looks surprised and dazed)

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