S1 E11: Trigger-Happy

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Jack: Well it seems like I have the recap all to myself today.

Christine: Or so you thought.

Jack: How could I ever do stuff without you? Anyways I almost got killed by Davis. Had it not been for Samantha stepping in I would have had my goose cooked!

Christine: At the same time we're still searching for stuff that may have fallen around campus. I'm hoping we can find something good soon!

Jack: With our luck though those two will probably find something faster than us. Oh well, let's get on with the episode!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Samantha is walking around, not having a care in the world that Davis and Jack are probably making their way to the same classroom she is heading to. Eventually when everyone gets to the classroom, Samantha and Davis sit on opposite sides of the theater, Connor sits in the middle and Jack and Christine sit up front)

Professor: Well, this is certainly interesting. Something happen?

Samantha: No, nothing really.

Davis: Yeah, nothing.

(The two glare at each other for a few seconds before the professor begins his lecture. Every now and then the two exchange glares much to Connor's chagrin while Jack and Christine simply look behind and chuckle under their breath which causes Samantha and Davis to glare at them as well)

Professor: ...Something is really wrong with them...

(The professor decides not to be privy and continue on with his lecture. When break arrives, Jack and Christine are among the first to head out. Davis then begins to trail them, waiting for a moment to strike)

Davis: Just you wait...

Samantha: (Offscreen) What do you think you're doing?

(Camera focus on Davis' face as it zooms out to reveal a very angry Samantha looking at him)

Davis: What do you want?

Samantha: You're probably going off to try and kill Jack again, aren't you?

Davis: And?

Samantha: I'm not going to let you do that. I beat you once, I can beat you again.

Davis: So what? I came close to beating you that one time. I can always get stronger and beat you just like that.

Samantha: I'd like to see you try.

Jack: Hey, you know it's not appropriate to be stalking us like that.

Christine: Yeah, what he said.

Davis: Oh I'll show you!

(Davis charges, attempting to swing at Jack but Samantha sticks her foot out and trips him)

Davis: Ow! Why you-

(Davis attempts to sweep Samantha to the ground but she simply dodges out of the way. Jack and Christine are now sharing a bag of popcorn as they watch Samantha and Davis start trying to beat each other up)

Samantha: Son of a-

Davis: GAAGH!

Samantha: AH! MY HAIR!

Davis: ARGH! YOU!

Jack: Ain't this fun to watch- hey, what's that?

(Jack spots a shiny red object just outside laying on the ground)

Jack: I don't think that was there before...

Christine: Let's go get it then.

(Samantha and Davis instantly stop fighting)

Davis: Like we're going to let you have it!

Samantha: What do you mean we?! I'm getting that thing and I'm keeping it far and well away from you!

(Davis tackles Jack, giving Samantha enough time to snatch up the strange red object and she's about to pocket it for herself when Davis charges at her)

Davis: Give me that!

Samantha: Over my dead body!

(The two end up in a fist fight and Christine helps Jack get back on his feet)

Jack: Man they spilled my popcorn... Oh well.

Christine: You know you can always fetch some back at the student activity center right?

Jack: Then I would miss out on this gem.

(Samantha and Davis continue fighting and Jack decides to hand the transteam gun and bat fullbottle over to Christine)

Jack: Wanna mess with them?

Christine: Why not?


(Samantha and Davis stop fighting again. This time they turn to see Christine with the transteam gun)

Christine: Jouketsu.

Mist match! Bat! Bat-Ba-Bat! Fire!

(Christine charges forth and starts manhandling Davis)

Christine: If you want to get to Jack you'll have to go through me!

Davis: Fine!

(Davis starts fighting with Christine and Samantha focuses her gaze on Jack)

Jack: What? Want some? I bet you're going to transform because I don't have any means right now!

Samantha: I kicked your ass before I can do it without having to transform!

(Samantha gets into a fight with Jack. Meanwhile Christine throws Davis into a wall)

Christine: How pitiful!

Davis: Grragh! I'm not done!

(Davis puts on the build driver and calls for the cross-z dragon)

Wake up! Cross dragon!

(Davis spins the crank, accompanied by dragon roars)

Are you ready?

Davis: Henshin!

Wake up burning! Get cross dragon! Yeah!

Davis: Now we can fight on more even ground!

Christine: Like that's going to help you any!

(The two continue to clash. Meanwhile Jack is making a joke out of Samantha, wildly thrashing her around and toying with her)

Samantha: ACK!

Jack: It's a pity really! I thought you were stronger than this! Now get outta here!

(Jack throws a mighty side kick, sending Samantha flying and Christine is gaining the upper hand against Davis)

Steam break! Bat!

(A bat shaped energy shot hits Davis square in the face and he falls to the ground, forced out of his transformation and knocked unconscious again)

Christine: That should teach you a good lesson.

Samantha: Argh... I'll get you yet!

(Christine untransforms and hands the transteam gun and bottle back to Jack to hold on to)

Christine: Do you think there will be anyone else that uses this?

Jack: Considering the popularity I've been gaining it won't be long before I have someone to hand it off to. See you later suckers!

(Jack and Christine walk off. Samantha tries to get up but she's in too much pain to move)

Samantha: Gah... At least I got... This thing.

(Samantha looks at the red object she found)

Samantha: Maybe Connor can tell me what this thing is.

(Jack and Christine are long out of sight as Samantha gets back on her feet and looks at the unconscious Davis before walking off, feeling somewhat satisfied)


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