S3 E7: Playing Keep Away

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Samantha: Let's do some recapping shall we?

Jack: Evolt has been getting... A little extra with his professor role, I think he's trying to gain the favor of the class or something.

Samantha: Well whatever it is we're not going to let that stop us from kicking his ass.

Jack: Aside from that things have been pretty quiet! Although I don't expect it to remain that way for long.

Samantha: Stay tuned this episode to see what else has been going on!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Samantha and company find themselves waiting outside their classroom with their professor nowhere in sight)

Jack: I just hope he's not trying to conquer the world behind our backs or something.

Samantha: How are we supposed to know honestly?

(Davis and Sebastian head out to try and look for their professor, but no dice)

Davis: Well, we got nothing.

Sebastian: Let's just have our drivers at the ready just in case, I'm not about to try and take chances here.

Christine: He could just be running late though?

(That's when a powerful sneeze can be heard, making the group jolt. The source turns out to be the professor, who's looking very ill)

Connor: ...Professor?

Professor: Excuse me... I've gotten a little ill as of the past day.

(The professor unlocks the door to let everyone in, and he lets out another powerful sneeze, scaring everyone)

Jack: Are you sure you're alright?

Professor: I think I'll be alright. If I'm not coughing up a lung I should be fine.

(The professor lectures as he normally does, but the lecture is peppered with various sneezes and coughs and throat clears, and the class begins to look at one another worriedly)

Christine: You're not contagious are you?

Professor: No I'm not... Though you'll have to mind all the little interruptions... ACHOO!!!

Jack: ...Bless you.

(The lecture continues as Samantha and company look at one another worryingly, and eventually a break is called. Once most of the class leaves the professor stares down Jack)

Professor: I might be a little ill, but I'm not about to let that stop me!

Jack: Yeah I don't think so. Samantha, Davis, Sebastian, I think you guys know what to do.

Samantha: Since when did you become the boss around here? We know exactly what we're doing.

Evol driver!

Sclash driver!

Hazard on! Max hazard on!

Over the evolution!


Danger! Crocodile!

Cobra! Rider system! REVOLUTION!

Tank! Tank and tank! Build up! Don ten kan! Don ten kan!

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Are you ready?

Samantha, Sebastian, Davis and Professor: Henshin!

(Everyone transforms, prepared to face off with one another)

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