S2 E8: Tactical Measures

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Jack: Time for some recap!

Sebastian: So after Jack here achieved his strongest form, we managed to trash the two heroes without a sweat! Is there anything that can possibly stop us?

Jack: I highly doubt it, but I wouldn't say that nothing could stop us.

Sebastian: What's got you so worried?

Jack: It's nothing. Let's just get on with the episode shall we?

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Davis and Samantha are once again sitting as far away from each other as possible, while Jack and Christine sit up front. Connor is also in his usual spot as the professor continues to lecture. Connor then looks at Christine quizzically)

Connor: Hm...

(When the professor calls for a break, Connor talks with Samantha about his idea)

Connor: Was Christine always by Jack's side like this?

Samantha: I remember seeing him knock her out with this gas, and she hasn't left his side ever since.

Connor: My best bet is that he used something to put her under his control. If we can snap her out of it, then maybe she can give us a hand or something. She might not be able to restore the fullbottles, but she can prove a source of information regarding his weaknesses.

Samantha: Shall I target her then?

Connor: You can't, you'd overpower her. Let me see if I can do something.

Samantha: And how exactly are you going to do that?

Connor: I'll need to borrow Davis' sclash driver for a little bit.

Samantha: Can you even use it?

Connor: I'm not going to transform with it, but I can utilize it in a different way.

Davis: Hm? Did you call for me?

Connor: Yeah, would you mind at all if I borrowed your sclash driver?

(Davis looks at Connor like he's just said the most nonsensical thing ever. Scene fades forward to Connor with the sclash driver and intent on looking for Christine)

Connor: She's gotta be around somewhere... Maybe if I find Jack, I'll find her with him.

Christine: (Offscreen) Hey you! Yeah you nerd! What do you think you're doing out here. Aren't you nerds allergic to the outdoors?

(The background clarifies, revealing Christine looking at Connor menacingly)

Connor: I shouldn't be surprised.

Christine: Were you looking for me? Come to confess your feelings?

Connor: I'm not even interested in girls like you!

Christine: Pfft, that's what all nerds say, until they're met with that one girl they just can't tear their eyes away from.

Connor: I could say the same for you and Jack.

Christine: Ah- WHY YOU!

(Christine charges at Connor and starts a fight with him. Much to Christine's surprise Connor shows himself as an experienced fighter, blocking many of her attacks and performing skilled counters)

Christine: What the heck?! How are you so good at this?!

Connor: It's called training!

(Connor manages to sweep Christine out from under and she hits the ground hard. When she gets back up Connor has already made the preparations)

Sclash driver!

Christine: You can't possibly transform with that thing can you?!

Connor: I don't plan on.

(Connor whips out the diamond fullbottle and puts it in the sclash driver)

Discharge bottle!

(Connor stuns Christine by punching her in the nose, giving him enough time to slam down on the wrench)

Tsuburenai! Discharge crush!

(The sclash driver begins to glow with an immense light, blinding Christine before she is knocked unconscious. Connor quickly breaks her fall and carries her back to his mobile lab where Samantha and Davis are waiting)

Davis: Did you do it?

Connor: I have her with me.

(Connor carefully sets Christine on the ground where she slowly regains her senses)

Christine: Ugh... What in the world happened?

Connor: Christine? Are you alright?

Christine: What happened? All I remember was seeing Jack turn out to be the bad guy or something, and then I can't remember that much from there...

Connor: Well, he somehow managed to put you under his control and I just helped you snap out of it.

Samantha: And frankly, Davis and I haven't been on the best of terms since that.

Christine: What do you mean?

Davis: Samantha thinks that Jack is possessed or something and she wants to free him from it. I on the other hand think he's just plain evil and we need to outright kill him.

Christine: But Jack would never do something like this. I've known him since we were kids, he would never be capable of such evil deeds like this.

Samantha: And there we go, straight out of her mouth. Believe me now Davis?

Davis: I still don't believe you.

Samantha: A stubborn one aren't you? Tell me, what would convince you?

Davis: If we were to knock Evolt out of his transformation and Jack somehow came out with it, then I might reconsider. Otherwise I'm sticking with what I believe and nothing else.

Jack: Ah Christine, so that's where you were.

(Jack chuckles as he walks over)

Jack: Come on.

Connor: She's with us now.

Jack: Oh? What do you mean?

Connor: I snapped her out of her mind control. She's no longer as evil as you made her!

(Connor takes the gorilla fullbottle, shakes it, and delivers a mighty punch, sending Jack flying before he hits the ground)

Christine: Connor! I know that Jack's not himself but that still doesn't warrant hitting him like that!

Connor: It was either that or he was going to try again, now let's get out of here!

(The group scampers off as Jack slowly and painfully recollects himself. Sebastian then walks over, having seen Jack get sent flying)

Sebastian: Are you alright?

Jack: I think so... Gah, that hurt just as much as the last time he punched me, if not more...

Sebastian: Say where's that Christine girl you're always with?

Jack: They managed to snap her out of my control and now she's with them. I guess the next best thing is to knock out one of their transforming devices.

Sebastian: And how do you plan on doing that? These things are hard to break.

Jack: Did you see how much power I put into my black hole finish? If I had gone any harder her build driver would have been completely totaled.

Sebastian: Fair point. Now come on, let's make sure you didn't break anything.

(The two walk off)


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