S2 E10: Big Bad Heroes

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Connor: Recap time!

Davis: So somehow Evolt managed to destroy our drivers, and now he's kidnapped Samantha!

Connor: But fortunately thanks to my genius I managed to not only build a second driver, but also help Davis here achieve his strongest form!

Davis: Wanna see me put it to use? Tune in this episode!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is an unknown part of campus. Samantha has been kept in a small room with Jack keeping a keen eye on her)

Samantha: What do you want with me?

Jack: Oh I'm not really asking you of anything, I just want to give Davis a little bit of a goal, free you. He obviously has to become stronger in that sense. I'm even making sure you're well after all.

(Jack makes a point, a bowl of homemade ramen and a fork to eat said ramen with have been set on a table, all wrapped up and ready to eat)

Jack: Should he manage to give me a run for my money, you go free. Speaking of, I'm a little hungry myself.

(Jack pulls out some cup ramen that he had been heating up earlier with boiling water and some chopsticks before starting to eat that)

Jack: Even then, he's going to be in for a surprise. I've been doing some training of my own.

(Scene then cuts to Davis looking at the completely finished cross-z magma knuckle with Connor)

Connor: That should come in handy.

Christine: You can't possibly go this alone though... Are you sure you want to do this alone?

Davis: If I need the help, you'll know. For now just stay out of his sight.

(Christine clutches the newly constructed build driver and the gorilla and diamond fullbottles, ready to go into action if needed as Davis walks out, build driver and magmaduster at the ready)

Davis: You're going to pay big time for what you've done Jack.

(Christine ducks into some bushes as Davis returns to the spot where he fought and lost to Jack, and unsurprisingly Jack is back in his usual spot)

Jack: I expected you to be here. Now what have you got on me?

(Davis puts on his build driver and looks at Jack with murder in his eyes)

Davis: You are going to give Samantha back, or you're going to be burning in hell when I'm done with you!

Jack: Oooh I'm so scared! What do you have to back that up?!

(Davis reveals the magmaduster and slams the obsidian fullbottle into it)


(Davis slams the magmaduster into his build driver)


Davis: Let's do this!

(Davis spins the crank and instead of a ride builder a metal vat full of hot lava builds itself right behind Davis)

Are you ready?


(The lava is dumped on Davis, forming dragons as it cools before suddenly Davis smashes through the lava, revealing his new armor!)


Jack: Whoa... That was awesome-

Davis: I know right-

Jack: -ly lame! HA! What's a little burn going to do to me?

Evol driver!

Over the evolution!

Cobra! Rider system! REVOLUTION!

(Jack spins the crank)

Are you ready?

Jack: Henshin!

Black hole! black hole! BLACK HOLE REVOLUTION!!! Muahahahahaha!

Evolt: Alright, shall we test out this new form of yours?

(Davis takes out the magmaduster, still retaining his transformation and the two go at it, and Davis starts punching the living daylights out of Evolt)

Evolt: Ow! What the?! How are you punching so damn hard?!

Davis: You certainly didn't expect this kind of power did you?

(Davis slots the magmaduster back into the build driver before he cranks the lever)


(Davis sends out a group of mini lava dragons, and they explode upon hitting Evolt, sending him reeling back)

Evolt: Oof! Ow that's hot!

Davis: Feeling the burn now?!

Evolt: Why you insolent-

(Davis cuts Evolt off by taking out the magmaduster again and uppercutting Evolt's chin, sending him flying upwards before delivering another insanely powerful punch, sending him flying back. Evolt just barely lands on his feet as a result)

Evolt: Holy crap!

Davis: Serves you right!

(Davis charges again and continues punching the living crap out of Evolt before finally Davis has had enough and leaps back and spins the crank many times to deliver a truly painful attack)


(Davis delivers a series of fiery punches, ultra combo style, before his whole body glows with lava)

Davis: TAKE THIS!!!!!

(Davis delivers the mother of all punches, sending Evolt flying! Evolt crashes into a wall, leaving a small crater where he hit it, before falling on his face. Amazingly Evolt has not been forced out of his transformation, but he is heavily dazed)

Evolt: Ugh... My head... That one hurt...

(Eventually Davis untransforms and rolls along the ground as some of his clothes have caught fire)

Davis: Whew!

Evolt: You really have improved, I'm impressed. But you haven't seen the last of me! Ciao!

(Evolt takes his leave as Davis gets up and makes sure there are no more flames that are still burning on his clothes. With that said and done Davis looks around before calling for Christine and suddenly he hears a cry for help)

Samantha: (Offscreen) Davis!

Davis: Samantha! It's coming from that building!

(Davis and Christine rush into that building and throw the door open to see Samantha with an empty bowl of ramen next to her)

Davis: Oh thank god you're safe!

Samantha: I was worried nobody would find me! Jack had somehow locked the door and I couldn't open it until you came in!

Christine: Come on, let's get you out of here and back to Connor. We're going to make sure that you're alright.

(Christine and Davis untie Samantha and the trio rush out of the building, intent on getting to Connor)

Samantha: Davis I can't thank you enough.

Davis: We might not like each other, and I still want to outright destroy Jack, but when my teammate's life is on the line, I won't hesitate to act.


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