S3 E4: Crooked Tie

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Davis: Let's recapping!

Jack: ...

Davis: Okay that was kinda cringy but anyways Evolt has been taking this professor thing all too literally.

Jack: Yeah I agree. He's been running the classes surprisingly well but I can't help but think that this is all part of some plan of his to make himself out to be the good guy.

Davis: Let's see what happens in this episode instead of rambling about it shall we?

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. The professor finds himself in an empty classroom, looking over papers and waiting for the class to arrive. Samantha and company are among the first and he looks to them)

Professor: You can thank me later for the reminder I gave you.

Jack: Still... Why? Why after you just beat us to a pulp?

Professor: Repeating what I said before, technically you're my students and I want to see you succeed just as much as I want to utterly destroy you. Have you picked out what you need for the presentation yet?

Samantha: Surprisingly thanks to you yes.

Professor: See?

(Before hero and villain can talk any further the rest of the class comes pouring in and the professor looks to everyone)

Professor: Did you guys pick out what you need for today's presentation?

(Everyone looks at one another in surprise and panic while Samantha and company relax somewhat)

Professor: I sent out a reminder last week about the deadline and the rubric. Should have checked!

(The panicking class then looks at Samantha and company, who haven't a care in the world. When presentations begin many of them are lackluster, with many students going all over the place and turning into a mess halfway in)

Professor: Sometimes things like this happen. You should really be more punctual.

(When Samantha and company do their presentations they are so well collected that their classmates look at one another in shock. After the professor gives a few lessons about punctuality the class is dismissed. The class shamefully walks out, having been made a joke, while Samantha and company leave later, not quite ready to face Evolt yet)

Samantha: There's just something off about Evolt... It seems like only we got reminders about this, everyone else didn't. Is it because we're the heroes he's trying to curry favor with us to join him or something? I don't even know.

Sebastian: I'm not sure if now's the time to dwell on something like that.

Davis: Well whatever it is we have to be on guard.

(Suddenly Evolt appears out of nowhere)

Evolt: Hello!

Jack: Evolt?!

Evolt: Don't act so surprised after I used your body for so long!

Samantha: Well, you know what to do guys!

(Everyone pulls out their drivers)

RabbitTank Sparkling!

Sclash driver!


Danger! Crocodile!


Are you ready?

Samantha, Jack, Davis and Sebastian: Henshin!

(Everyone transforms and prepares to fight Evolt again)

Night Rogue: Let's really give him the works! Everyone gang up on him! Nail him with your finishers!

Evolt: Huh?

(Samantha and Davis spin their cranks while Sebastian slams down on his wrench. Jack takes aim as everyone prepares their finishers)

Ready, GO! Sparkling finish!

Crack up finish!

Steam break! Bat!


(Samantha and Davis charge in from Evolt's sides, Jack takes aim at Evolt's face and Davis proceeds to deliver his fiery barrage intending to break Evolt's neck. When all four finishers end Evolt collapses onto one knee, clearly winded by the group finisher)

Evolt: Alright... That I was not really expecting...

Davis: I was about to ask why you didn't go all out with your strongest form...

Samantha: There's no real finishing kick to it ya know?

Evolt: That one hurt... You got me pretty good this time, but next time won't be so easy. Cia-ow!

(Evolt takes his leave via black hole as Samantha and company look at one another in surprise)

Night Rogue: He really went down just like that? Before he absolutely trashed us!

Samantha: Even considering all the other times we fought him, I'm not really sure why he went down so fast.

(Everyone untransforms and everyone is about to head home until suddenly Samantha starts getting a strange video call)

Samantha: Huh? Who is this?

(Samantha answers the video call and it turns out to be Evolt in a different looking room)

Evolt: I just needed a little time to recover.

(Jack looks at Samantha's phone and realizes with horror where he is)

Jack: Wait a second, he's at my house! How did he know?!

Samantha: Wait he is?!

Evolt: Having possessed your body for so long, it was inevitable.

(Evolt then sneaks up on Jack's parents)

Evolt: You know, your son is an excellent person. He's been working so hard, I really wish you could be there to witness it all!

(The camera goes black as screams are heard)

Jack: No... No no no no no no...

(The call eventually cuts and Evolt reemerges)

Evolt: Don't think you guys could beat me so easily. I let you guys win that one so I could find an excuse to go somewhere else!


(Jack starts shooting at Evolt with the transteam gun before charging at him)

Evolt: Wow, how pathetic.

(Evolt then proceeds to deck Jack, nearly knocking him unconscious)

Evolt: Now if you'll excuse me I must really be going, but don't worry I promise not to kill anyone else! Ciao!

(Evolt takes his leave as Christine helps Jack get back on his feet)

Christine: Jack...? Are you okay?

Samantha: ...Should we just leave? Give you two a little time alone?

Jack: ...Yes...

(Samantha can barely hear Jack say this but she and the others leave anyway)

Samantha: Evolt is toying with us again... We still need to get stronger.

Sebastian: But how? There's not much more we can do besides you know.

Samantha: Yeah I know. I guess we'll just have to start training ourselves... Hopefully Jack will be okay...

Davis: I think we're all hoping, but with Christine by his side I think this might be able to pass over sooner than we think. They've never left each other's sides, I wouldn't expect that to happen now.

(The trio walks off, musing to themselves as the camera pans up)


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