S4 E4: Clench And Grit

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Evolt: It's about time I join the recap!

Samantha: Here we go.

Evolt: So Mad Rogue has turned on me because I drove him TOO crazy, and now he wants to simply destroy everything. I have to take responsibility.

Samantha: So now we have to team up with Evolt so we can destroy Jack. Are we all crazy? No.

Evolt: I would be very careful around him. Let's tune into this episode shall we?

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Wanted posters of Evolt have been taken down, and wanted posters of Jack/Mad Rogue have been put in their place. Mad Rogue suddenly flies by and obliterates a poster with his transteam gun with an already transformed Samantha and Davis in pursuit)

Davis: At least I can fly in this form!

Samantha: I'm just glad I kept these fullbottles! Now get back here!

Hawk gatlinger!

(Samantha starts trying to gun down Mad Rogue while Davis attempts to hit him with thrown fireballs. Mad Rogue simply flies out of range before knocking the two out of the sky with flying kicks)


(As Davis falls though he manages to throw one last fireball, hitting Mad Rogue in the face and knocking him out of the sky as well. All three land with terrifying crashes, but Samantha and Davis have been forced out of their transformations while Mad Rogue is simply just dizzy)

Mad Rogue: Oof...

Samantha: Argh...

Davis: Ow...

(Prime Rogue and Evolt emerge to see if Samantha and Davis are okay)

Prime Rogue: That looked like it hurt!

Evolt: Let's get Jack while he's still dazed!

(Mad Rogue gets up and looks more than ready to face off with the two)

Prime Rogue: What?! No way!

Mad Rogue: Alright! WHO'S NEXT?!

Evolt: How is he still going after all of that?!

Mad Rogue: You cannot stop me!

(Mad Rogue charges at Evolt and proceeds to ravage him like a wild tiger. Prime Rogue barely manages to get Mad Rogue off of Evolt before preparing for a finisher)

Gabu! Gabu! Gabu! Ready, GO! Prime scrap break!

(Prime Rogue performs a mighty scissor kick but Mad Rogue dodges and knocks Prime Rogue out of his transformation as well and he lands alongside Samantha and Davis. It's not long before Evolt and Mad Rogue are left to fight one another)

Evolt: I will not let you destroy this whole world! Not while I'm still around!

Mad Rogue: Fat chance!

(Evolt and Mad Rogue clash, and Mad Rogue is gaining the upper hand. Without anyone else to help him Evolt is hopelessly trashed and forced out of his transformation as he is slammed into a wall by Mad Rogue)

Mad Rogue: I'll be back!

(Mad Rogue takes off and the four slowly recollect themselves)

Professor: Argh... Is everyone alright?

(The trio slowly gets back up and helps the professor get back on his feet)

Professor: It's unlike anything I've seen... His hazard level is rising beyond what is humanly possible...

Samantha: What?

Professor: I read his hazard level... You guys are at around four to four-and-a-half or something like that, but Jack's level is going up. Last I read it was five because I was possessing him, but ever since he went crazy, his level rose to six...

Davis: Doesn't sound good...

Professor: While I was able to trounce you guys on multiple occasions... If he gets any stronger he may just kill me... There has been an occasion where I nearly faced death, and it was against my own brother.

Samantha: Brother?

Professor: I don't know if I could call him a brother anymore. I guess he isn't called Killbus for no reason... He outmatched me in so many ways, even when I teamed up with the heroes.

Davis: He was that strong huh?

Professor: His spider device and bottle may have fallen into your world along with all of this. If anything you must keep that away from Jack, or he may utilize it and it may spell the end for all of us.

Sebastian: Killbus isn't here though is he?

Professor: He's good as dead. We may be aliens but we're not invincible. Now come on, class is just about to start, and we can't keep the class waiting.

(The group heads to the theater where the class has been waiting, and with that the professor begins lecturing just like normal)

Davis: Just the fact that this spider thing could fall into Jack's hands... We don't even know where it is.

Samantha: Well... Let's try not to worry about that.

(The professor continues lecturing)

Professor: The final exam is coming up, and I have a fairly good way to help you guys prepare for it.

Samantha: What's the way?

Professor: Direct training. We've been doing a lot of fight choreography as of late, and it's time we test that. We'll be doing dress rehearsal for your scenes, and as these are fight scenes, we have to make sure we get them down to a T. Samantha, Davis, Sebastian, I will need your help as you guys have the most experience.

(With that the four go around helping out the various students with their scenes, demonstrating for them when necessary. When the class is near it's end the professor dismisses the class early and everyone heads out)

Samantha: Do you think we'll find the spider first?

Davis: Jack has been out there the whole time. If anything he's probably going to find it first. We're going to need Connor to help us out again if we've got any chance against him.

Connor: (Offscreen) Did someone call for my services again?

(Connor emerges)

Connor: I've been watching from afar, and I understand the situation. I haven't been able to find the spider sadly, but if you guys ever need a new morphing device or something like that, I'm your man.

Davis: At least you're still here.

(Everyone chuckles among themselves as they take their leave. Camera pans over to Jack, who's rummaging through a bush when he finds something black and red)

Jack: (Whispering) I found it!

(The camera then pans up as Jack starts manically laughing again. Then a slotting sound can be heard)


(Jack continues to laugh as he fully realizes what he has found)


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