Season 3 Finale: Fated Reunion

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Connor: Recap time!

Sebastian: So we managed to beat Evolt again, but we've been seeing this a little too often...

Connor: He also made a threat saying he would take Jack's most precious... Is he joking? Or is he really going to do this?

Sebastian: I'm not sure if I want to know... Let's just let this episode do the explaining for us!

Connor: Agreed!

[Cue Intro]

(Setting is college campus. Samantha and company, minus Christine, are walking around campus, enjoying their free time. They've been let out of class early and they find themselves simply walking around campus)

Samantha: So did Christine just decide to head home early?

Jack: More or less. Anything you guys wanna do?

Davis: Wanna head into the student activity center?

Jack: I don't know... I kinda just want to head home myself if I'm being honest.

Sebastian: Are you sure you don't like Christine? Like more than just best friends?

Jack: I think of her more as a sister, I couldn't possibly date my own sister could I?

Samantha: Yeah he makes a point there.

(Everyone laughs)

Connor: Seriously though I think we're all a little bored.

Evolt: (Offscreen) Maybe I can help you cure that boredom?

(A series of steam shots just misses Samantha and company and they turn to see Evolt who's at the top of a staircase. He leaps down to get on a more even level with the group)

Evolt: I heard a cry for help, and I am your warrior against boredom!

(Jack cringes)

Jack: Yeah no. Give me back my gun.

Evolt: Hmm... How about no?

(Jack is hit in the face with a steam shot and he reels back)

Jack: Connor you wouldn't happen to have that spare build driver with you?

Connor: Sorry, I left it back at my lab... I didn't think to bring it along.

Samantha: We can take him on, just the three of us.

Evolt: Wow, very boastful of you. Shall we do this with just our bare fists?

Sclash driver!

Hazard on! Max hazard on!


Danger! Crocodile!

Rabbit! Rabbit and rabbit! Build up! Don ten kan! Don ten kan!

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Are you ready?

Samantha, Davis and Sebastian: Henshin!

(The trio transforms and prepares to square up with Evolt)

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Ready, GO! Hazard finish! RabbitRabbit finish!

Evolt: I've had years of training, I doubt your fighting skills will- OOF!

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