Moving on

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"Last Friday night, Yeah we danced on tabletops And we took too many shots Think we kissed but I forgot" Mew smile as he look at his boyfriend singing at the top of his lung

It's their 3rd anniversary and they will celebrate in the infamous Phuket

"Aren't you too happy?" Mew laughed

"Of course, our exam is over, it's our 3rd anniversary and  we finally going to Phuket just the two of us" Type hold Mew's hand  kissing it

"Too sweet"

The couple enjoy their drive with the upbeat music playing but the sound of their laughter were change with Type calling Mew to turn the car as a truck losing it balance came rushing to their car

The moment the truck hit the car, Mew's eyes landed on his lover only to see Type blood gushing out from his head, eyes find it difficult to remain open, his breathing become unsteady as he tries to grab hold Mew for the last time

Mew's tears slowly roll down to his cheek turning red as it was mix with the latter blood that was also dripping from his head. Mew tries his best to keep conscious, to keep his eyes open so that he can look at his lover who's already unconscious. But slowly everything became blurry until darkness consume him


How long has it been?

Mew Suppasit ask himself as he lay on his bed looking at the picture of his now gone lover, Type , has been his lover for 3 years this year, unfortunately, it's his time already.

Ah I should get myself together

He whispered to no one

knock knock

"P'Mew it's me Nong Fluke" A voice call from the other side of the door "I heard you haven't had your breakfast, yet," then pause "and it's 1:30 already, I don't have afternoon class so I stop by the others will follow"

Instead of answering, Mew just look at the door a teardrop fall from his eyes

"Phi your apartment is so messy, when did you last clean it" Fluke Natouch voice was weak but clear "I'll clean your apartment but it's not free, you must eat what I cook for you, you know you're missing a lot in school if the teacher doesn't know your background he already kicks you out of his class, well that what your senior said I think he's name is P'Ming, you been absent for month Phi"

A month already, huh?

"Hey Phi you know I'm in pain" the voice became weaker "I lost an older cousin already and I think I'll lose a friend too" 

Mew's eyes sting as another teardrop from his eyes fall as he looks at the door wanting to hug the younger behind it, but too weak to move. His heart is aching for too many reasons already, he loses his lover, his neglecting his friends, his parents begging him to come out, making the  people around him feel rejected

It's not that he can't move one, he just can't accept that he loses someone he love because of his own carelessness

"I know you still blaming yourself" Fluke said "even it's not even your fault, it's no one's fault, besides it's not like you didn't get affected by it"

The accident kill three people, the driver and his wife, luckily their son survive but Mew doesn't care.

Mew closes his eyes as he turn around to see a picture of them together calmly hanging on the wall, slowly, with all his energy left in his body Mew get up an drag himself to the door to reveal Fluke hugging his own knee close to his chest, obviously crying

Fluke look at the older man in front of him and automatically cling himself to the said man

Mew wrap his one hand around the younger's small waist and the other went to his hair and pat it gently

"I'm sorry na, Phi is sorry na Nong" He sobbed

"It wasn't your fault Phi" the younger said through the older's neck"

A couple more minutes of the two breakdowns, Fluke manage to cook for his Phi as Mew lazily look at the T.V, obviously doesn't care about the show

"I see N'Fluke did a good job doesn't he?" A voice said while entering the apartment sitting next to Mew

"I know you're not okay, but I'll still ask, how are you?" It was Ohm Thitiwat, a friend from the university and a witness for Mew breakdown

"Not getting better, but I will try" Mew faked a smile

"Where are the others?"

"Here Nong" 

Three more guys enter the apartment

"Ai'Mew you finally decided to get out of your room"  Mild Suttinat beamed, obviously trying to lighten Mew's mood

"What are you cooking?" Bright Vachirawit also enter the room 

"Sour curry"

Mew, Mild, Ohm, Fluke and Bright together with Type has been friend since freshman year, the six of them we're unseperatable especially the couple. The five have known how the couple interact, too much sweetness as they always said

Mew was known to be clingy to his lover, always show his affection to the other, his him every chance the latter get, giving him gifts and many more way to show his love

"Here Mew, prof. said I should give this to you, it's a special assignment he also said pass it to him before the semester end or he won't have a choice but to fail you in his class" Bright said giving him his work

"I'm sorry guys" that makes his friend look at him "I been a burden since he...." Mew choked out

Fluke, the youngest also the most sensitive of them all, hug the older who's constantly sniffing like he was resisting tears, but soon tears of pain run down his cheeks, as the younger hug him tighter afraid to let go and see the pain in his Phi face

Mild, Ohm and Bright looked away as their eyes already turn red, tears tempting to escape

"I'm really sorry guys, I'm sorry" Mew's sobbed became louder "I'm really really sorry"

Fluke, who's already wailing, cry harder, Ohm and Bright tears continue to fall while Mild was already wiping his tears with his sleeves and force a smile

"Alright guys let's eat the soup before it turn cold"

The gang agreed and start wiping their tears while Fluke sit still refusing to let go of Mew, thankfully Ohm manage to break Fluke away from Mew

For the first time in a week, the gang manage to make Mew eat again

Then silenced, the only noise that can be heard was the clashing of the utensils as the 5 college student eat their late lunch

It hurt them to lose a  friend and  to see Mew like this, but they knew that Mew is hurting more than them, they don't have any choice but to comfort the older as they comfort themselves

It has never been easy to accept that their friend is gone, it has never been easy to forget their own pain

"I promise I will go back from my old self, it will be slow but I will move on" Mew break the silence giving his friends an assuring smile "slowly"


Hey guys!!!!

I'm back! This quarantine making me crazy 

So I hope I can make you , wanjaii's, happy. Just  feel free to correct my mistake

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now