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If I let go of your hand,you'll fly away and break

Lee Haneul was an ordinary human being that was going through hardships. Everyone was having Earth as their battlefield. Even a small battle was still a war as people fought. Everyone had angels guiding them to the light. However, Kim Haneul was a "special case" as Jimin and Seokjin,two angels, called her.

Lee Haneul's fate could not be read by the angels. The angels would know everyone's time in life but not hers. They did not know what's in store for human beings but they could help the people in need.

Many angels believed that it was his soulmate. People thought it was a legend but for the angels, it was reality.

"Haneul, it's time to sleep."

The elderly woman said to her lovable little granddaughter.

"No, Granny. Please just let me watch Hannah Montana."

Haneul protested.

"Nope. You don't want your mom to scold, right, sweetie?"


The 7 year old was done with her grandma as she got up from the couch defeated. After she hopped into the bed.

"Granny, can you please tell me a story?"

Haneul looked at her grandma with her dark chocolate eyes. There was no way her grandma could resist those eyes as she loved her.


Her grandma went to sit in the corner of the king sized bed. She sat next to the child, lovingly stroking her hair.

"There was a gorgeous princess whose beauty was admired by everyone in her kingdom. She was loved by everyone and she was genuinely happy with her life. Unless one day.."

"What happened?"

"Her kingdom was invaded by the bad men. They killed a lot of her subjects and she was not in the kingdom."

"Where was she?"

"She went to visit her uncle's kingdom."


"She just wanted to meet her uncle."


"She came back as an angel told her everything. That angel helped her with everything. He taught her how to fight and gave her strength. Somewhere, in between all of this,they fell in love."

"Did they get married and live happily ever after?"

"The princess was hurt and was about to die but the angel saved her. The angel lost his status and became a human being. However, the princess didn't remember him but he made her fall in love with him again and lived happily ever after."

"Wow. It's not like those boring stories that mom read to me every night."

"It's a lesser known story but a great one."

Haneul went to sleep after the story ended.

She was a happy child with a perfectly happy family even if her cousin was a bit annoying. Her cousin and she argued way more than siblings would do. However, Haneul saw Joohyun as a sibling and Joohyun saw her as an enemy.

This grew worse as they grew up. They were in the same school. Both pretended like strangers and nobody knew why. Haneul did not ask herself why. She was just happy with her friends and family. Her happiness would soon be crashed soon after her 16th birthday.

Her dad went to the hospital for her grandma's monthly checkup. It was a rainy night and the city was facing lightning instead of stars. The storm was huge. With wind blowing everywhere, trees were falling down on the streets.

The teenager was filled with concern as she looked at the window. A tree fell in her backyard. Started by the noise, she called her mother.

"Mom, where are you?"

"Oh,Haneul. I'm stuck in the office,dear. I'll have to stay here until the rain stops."

"Oh okay."

"Are you okay?"

"I was just worried about you. Mom, what about dad and granny?"

"They're probably stuck in the hospital. Call them. I'm trying to finish tomorrow's work today."

"Geez. You're such a workaholic."

"No, I'm trying to be free tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go and call dad."

Haneul hung up the call and dialled her dad's number.

"Dad,where are you?"

"On the 1st Cherry street."

"Dad,why did you even leave the hospital in this horrible weather?"

"Haneul..don't worry,we're fi-"

There was a crash and she heard it. She frantically asked, "Hello? Hello, dad. DAD,HELLO."

She called the ambulance and the police as she walked out of the house in the middle of the stormy night.

She crossed all the fallen trees and ended up falling in the branches. Her knees and hands were bleeding but she didn't notice her pain as she was solely focused on her fear.

She came at the site of the accident as the police announced the deaths. She was beyond devastated to see the lifeless body of her beloved dad. She felt completely alone at that moment. There was no one to protect her. There was no one to love. There was absolutely no way he could be gone. He promised to stay with her forever. She would forever be her dad's little princess. At least that was what she thought. She then saw the body of her grandma. She did not want her gone. She was her comfort after every single bad day.

With both of them gone, Haneul was completely alone. She was on the ground, clinging onto the lifeless bodies. "Dad...I want you to stay...for us,mom and I are gonna be completely incomplete without you."

She cried while hugging the body.

Little did she know that her dad and grandma were watching her. Their souls came out and they were confused. But after seeing Haneul, it was all clear.

They watched her leave after her mother came. The rain stopped but it did not affect them. A man came in a black suit, almost blending in with the atmosphere. He had dark brown eyes,brown hair and plump lips. He then said, "Hi, I'm here to take you to the gate."

The woman asked, "The gate?"

"Yes. The gate to eternity."

"No,no,no I cannot go. I have to take care of my family. My daughter is very young and she needs me." The fatherly instinct in the man protested.

"Heejin, we need to go."

"No. You go. I have to stay with my family."

"Sir,please. It's not good to wander."

"Oh yeah? It's good to leave your family."

"Huh, you left me no choice now."

They were now in a blue room. The walls were filled with expensive art pieces and there was a dining table and the black door opened up. There was a handsome young man with messy black hair and eyes covered in curly bangs.

The man looked annoyed and his deep voice showed it, "Why did you bring the souls again to me?"

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