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For now the day bleeds into nightfall
And you're not here to save me through it all.

Jin popped out of nowhere in Soojin's bedroom. He startled both the girls who were just laying down on the bed.

"Yah! Kim Haneul, we need to talk."

"Geez, why are you here in a teen girl's bedroom?"

Haneul chuckled and Soojin was afraid.

"Man, I could never get used to you being friends with angels."

Soojin sighed.

"Haneul, can we talk now?"

Jin said,completely ignoring Soojin. She was a little embarrassed by this. He had read her mind but decided on not saying anything at that moment.

"Yes, sure."

Haneul said.

"I need you to stay from Taehyung. Do not keep any contact with him or Namjoon."

Jin's words hurt Haneul a lot as she stuttered, "W-What? Why?"

"It's very risky for you to be around him and vice versa."

Jin explained.

"As you know he's a fallen angel, he is being punished for meddling with humans. And you're making it worse for him. The band will be forever there but he'll be hurting. So instead of him, I can protect you. Call my name, Seokjin 3 times when you're in trouble and I'll be right here."

"Can I see him for the last time?"

Haneul asked, trying to compose herself.

"Well it'll be hard for you to say goodbye when you don't want to. He thinks so too."

"How can he just leave without a fucking goodbye?"

"Haneul, try to calm down. He has a reason to do so."

Soojin back hugged Haneul to calm her down.

"I thought of him as a best friend. He was my best friend and he knew it. How could he leave me like this?"

Haneul started to cry louder.

"It's all for the best."

Jin said before he disappeared.

Haneul's tears ran through her cheeks as Soojin held her.

"How can he leave me like this? After all these days of ghosting me? After the promises he made?"

Haneul cried hard as Soojin hugged her.

She felt betrayed by Taehyung. He made a promise to her dad that he would protect her. He ran away from his responsibilities. He ran away from her and that probably hurt the most.

Meanwhile Taehyung looked up to the ceiling as he groaned in pain. This pain had occurred sometimes but it never hurt that bad. The pain was blurring his vision as he laid on the corner of his bed. He closed his eyes only to see Haneul crying.

What is this? I'm not supposed to get visions of her. Is it just a memory? But I have never seen her wearing this hoodie before.

Taehyung's mind just had a lot of questions but the pain was taking over him.

He looked at his phone. There were about 50 messages from Haneul sent over the course of the time he did not go to pick her up.

Hey, are you okay? I haven't seen you in a while now. Would it be weird to say that I missed you?

Yah. Kim Taehyung. Get well soon. I have too many things to tell you.

Geez. When I said that I liked Namjoon more than you, I didn't mean that I wanted Namjoon to come instead of you everyday. Even if he's hot, you're still my favourite grumpy grandpa. I miss you. Please get well soon. Don't come unless you're doing well though.

Hey, I'm sorry for being so selfish. You're clearly unwell and I just babbled on about how much I missed you. Don't come unless you're perfectly okay.

He saw the texts. Now Taehyung was feeling a different kind of pain. It came from the memories of Haneul. He cried himself to sleep as he let the darkness take over him even if it was not the nightfall.

Haneul was in the bus station after a long day of pretending to be okay. She broke into tears as she recalled the memories of the day. Rain started pouring heavily during the ride. She had no umbrella as she walked to her house.

Her tears mixed with the raindrops as she met her mother's eyes. Her mother was concerned seeing her daughter like this. Haneul would not answer properly as she was being silent and locked herself in the room.

I miss you,Taehyung.

Haneul called for Taehyung with her silent voice.

He was nowhere to be found as his sleep took over him.

Haneul got herself to sleep the same way Taehyung did.

Haneul woke up to the sun shining brightly. She was irritated by the shining light that almost blinded her.

She got off the bed to see her mom on the kitchen.

"Mom, don't you have to go to the office?"

She asked as her punctual mother was present in the dining room when her office hours already started.

"I'll go with you today. Get ready now."

Haneul was glad that she got to spend time with her mom as she felt lonely.

They went to the bus station. During the ride, Haneul got asked, "Why were you upset yesterday?"

"I-I was just having a really bad day."

"What happened?"

"It's a long story and I don't even want to think about it."

Haneul's mother agreed to trust her daughter even if she had questions running in her mind.

Haneul went through a regular day. She got her fair share of Hyeri's unnecessary comments and Joohyun's glares when she was around Jungkook. After a long day at school, she hung out with Yoongi. He was babbling on about his new song. She did not really pay attention to that.

Her mind was fixated on one person as she served coffee to strangers. As she walked through the bus station, the held back tears fell from her eyes. She could not help the fact that she missed him. She knew that he was not missing her the same way she did. She was not missing her guardian angel or best friend but instead she was just missing Taehyung

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