The Questions

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7 billion lives, the city's night view
Is possibly another city's night
Our own dreams, let us shine
You shine brighter than anyone else

Taehyung was unable to sleep as he wondered what would happen now. The message he got after freeing from the cage was not clear. He never knew what was about to happen after he found the one. Would he go back to the realm? Would he cease to exist? Would he die like a human?

Although many believed that he would cease to exist, he was sure that he would finally find peace in it. Dying like humans would eventually mean that he would be reborn. He did not want to be in the world fighting battles.

But that night was slowly changing his view. He wanted to live now to keep his promise to Haneul. He did not want to leave her. As she was only 17 years old, he felt that it was wrong to love her. However, she was becoming the reason why he wanted to live.

The morning slowly came with Haneul waking up with a smile. She just felt good about everything that day. She went to school to see Joohyun and Jungkook sitting next to each other in the class. She did not care about them but she met the eyes of Jin.

As she approached him outside, his eyes went wide as she said, "Hey,Jin."

"You can see me?!"

"Am I not supposed to see you?"

"Did I even shift to invisibility?"

Haneul looked around. There was nobody who seemed to care about a handsome stranger in a white shirt and black pants. She knew that if the girls saw her, they would glance at him once to check him out.

"I don't think there's anyone who can see you."

"Then why can you see me?"

"I don't know. Why are you here anyway?"

"'s nothing."

Jin said as he disappeared into thin air.

That was weird.

Haneul thought to herself. She did not pay much attention to him as she walked back into the class.

Hyeri came up to her and said, "Why were you talking to yourself?"


Haneul asked startled.

"I saw you talking to the wall."

"I was not talking to anyone."

"You're a weird bitch."

"Am I? Good cause I'm not a fake bitch like you are."

"I'm not fake."

Hyeri said lowering her voice.

"You literally abandoned me when I needed you the most."

Haneul gritted getting furious.

Hyeri could not control her emotions as she ran away from the class. Haneul quietly went next to an empty seat in the corner.

Haneul noticed that Hyeri skipped the class. Anxiety started kicking in as she began to think; was I too harsh?

Haneul went to check as her thoughts consumed her.

As she walked in the washroom, she saw Hyeri crying.

"What's wrong with you?"

Haneul softened her voice.

"Get the fuck out of here."

Hyeri said with a weak voice.

"If you remember the time we had together, you will know I will not leave."

Hyeri's heart broke after hearing the words.

"So tell me what's wrong."

Haneul went closer. She patted her head as she said those words.

"You remember how I used to cling onto you at school all the time?"

Hyeri said in a monotone.

"I was just using you. My mom said that it was the best thing I could do so that she could burrow money from your grandma."

Haneul already knew that she was using her but she never wondered why.

"My dad's paralysed since I was a fetus so my mum has to raise me. She's successful thanks to your grandma. Man, I was so jealous of you for having a proper family. My mom did a lot of great things but she neglected her daughter. I began to like all the attention I got because of you."

"Because of me?"

"You're not aware but people really liked you. You were unproblematic and rich as fuck. But after the death,Joohyun began to spread the rumours of how her mother struggled to get that house and wealth from you. Your reputation was tainted. I decided to stick with Joohyun as everyone took pity on her. But she never really treated me as good as you did."

Haneul was shocked that she did not know about Joohyun's rumours. Soojin and Jungkook were her only friends. She did not hear from them as well. She doubted Hyeri. But she was so vulnerable at that moment.

As the break approached, she asked Soojin about the rumours.

"Well I knew that."

"But you're still friends with me?"

"Do you think that I give a single fuck to the rumours? I judge with my own eyes."

Haneul was touched by Soojin's statement.

Soojin's eyes drifted to Jungkook and Joohyun making out in the corner.


Soojin cringed hard making Haneul turn. She also cringed.

"What the fuck is up with them?"

Haneul asked disgusted.

"Is JK drunk?"

Soojin asked genuinely.

"Let's not care."

"So you met Taehyung yesterday?"

"They were saying some shit about me being the one. You already know the whole story through DMs."

"Maybe Taehyung is the angel from The Princess and the Angel. You're probably the princess."

"Why're you so obsessed with that fairytale?"

"The more I think about Taehyung, the more I see the similarities between the stories. Why would his powers only return when you call out his name?"

"Maybe because of the promise band."

"Why didn't it work when it was tied?"

Haneul remained speechless as Joohyun swayed past her.

Soojin asked, "What's up with that bitch?"

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