The Rose

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Will it suddenly disappear like smoke?
Always full of it, I take you in my eyes

Taehyung was taken aback by the words as she continued in a lower voice, "Do you know how much it suck that I love you?"


Taehyung stammered.

Haneul realised what she just said but she could not take it back.


She thought all the possible excuses to cover it up but she had to admit it anyway.

"Well I like you."

She said boldly.

"I think I have liked you since I have gotten to know you. I just didn't realise it until now."

Her voice cracked as her body felt weak due to anxiety.

Taehyung's heartbeat dropped low as he did not know the consequences.

Taehyung's loss of words made Haneul regret the decision.

"Y-you know, you d-d-don't need to like me back. We-we can forget about it."

She said,not wanting to lose a precious friend.

Taehyung did not care about the consequences anymore as he walked over to her. He leaned closer to her as he wiped her tears away with his sore hand.

Their eyes met,making both of them extremely nervous. He stared at her lips and held her chin up. He kissed her gently.

Haneul was baffled by his behaviour but she could not stop him. That feeling of love lingered in her mind.

He pulled away from the kiss and whispered, "I feel the same way."

Haneul could not stop her tears from flowing. It was the happiest she had been in a while.

"Hey,why are you crying again?"

Taehyung asked with his soft tone.

"I..I'm just..really happy."

Haneul cried harder.

"My hand's hurtling,honey."

"I'm so sorry."

She hugged him tightly.

After a while, they sat on the bed. Haneul was shy now while Taehyung looked at her lovingly.

"Hey,stop staring at me."

Haneul said softly.

"You're just so cute."

Taehyung smiled shyly.



"Do you want hot chocolate?"


Haneul's cheeks turned the deepest shade of red.

"Stop blushing."

Taehyung pinched her cheeks, making her frown.

"Stobit. It hurts."

"You're so adorable."

Haneul decided to leave the room to save herself from more embarrassment.

The hot chocolates were ready as she called him to the kitchen.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Taehyung asked while he regretted his question. He already knew everything about her.

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