Meeting After Months

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One moment I feel like I'm nothing at all
Like no one would notice if I were gone
But then when I hear you calling me
I feel loved, I feel special

Taehyung and Haneul resurfaced in Taehyung's house. Jin was anxious and worried about what actually happened. He yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK DID JUST HAPPEN?!"

Haneul whispered, "I thought angels weren't supposed to swear."

Taehyung strongly held Haneul's hand. He was sure that she was the one.

"She's the one, Seokjin."

Taehyung said with a deep tone.

"Are you serious?"

Jin asked unusually cold.

"Why would I get my powers back if she's not the one?"

Taehyung reasoned his opinion.

"Try to lift the spoon without holding it."

Taehyung tried and the spoon was hanging in the air.

Jin's eyes were forming tears as he yelled, "OH MY GOD, YOU ARE BACK TO THE REALM."

Taehyung left Haneul's hand and hugged Jin. They totally ignored Haneul's existence.

What the fuck is up with them?

Haneul thought to herself.

Jin went to call Jimin. Taehyung smiled shyly at Haneul as she looked at him teary eyed. She was supposed to be mad for leaving her but she just couldn't be mad. Looking at Taehyung comforted her.

To some extent, Taehyung was glad that it was her.

Is she Soo?

He asked himself. Sometimes the same souls were in different bodies. She did not resemble Hae Soo in any way. There was something about Haneul that he felt with Hae Soo. The feeling was comforting and healing. He was just happy that he was wrong.

Jimin asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Stop whining. It's time for some good news."


"Taehyung has found the one."

Jimin looked pale as he was the only one to realise that Taehyung's time had come.  He looked over to Haneul as he said, "Why are you happy about it, Jin?"

"Cause it's been years of waiting now."

Taehyung smiled sadly as he knew what Jimin thought.

Haneul decided to interrupt as she was tired of waiting for them to finally shut up and tell her everything.

"Erm..excuse me?"

Haneul tried to grab attention awkwardly. Taehyung sweetly smiled, "Yeah?"

"Tell me what's going on."

Haneul asked.

"I'll tell you later. Let's get you home."

Taehyung said softly.

"Hold my hand."

She obeyed him and within seconds, she was home.

She asked him, "Do you want some coffee?"

"I-I don't drink coffee."

Taehyung said feeling the awkwardness in the air.

"I have hot chocolate as well."

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