The Disappearances

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We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty.

Haneul sat on the bench in the park thinking what even happened to Haesoo. She texted Taehyung that she was in the park.

She was pulling her hair with her hands as she was frustrated. She earned stares from people who were walking in the park.

"Hey, Haneul. Are you okay?"

Taehyung asked with his soothing voice that calmed her down a little bit.

"I just got fired."

Haneul said as Taehyung sat next to her.


He asked surprised.

"Umm..because I was too "nosy.""

"Was she drunk and got beaten up by her psycho ex?"

Taehyung asked as he used his powers to get a vision of Haesoo.


Haneul confirmed impressed by Taehyung's powers.

"We gotta go to my place and I need to show you something to explain stuff to you."


They got into the car.

"Tae,can I turn on the radio?"

Haneul requested knowing that the answer was no. He did not like loud music.


Taehyung smiled knowing how happy she got when she listened to music.

She turned on the radio and excitedly yelled, "AH BTS!"

"Are they the boys whose pictures are literally everywhere in Seoul?"

Taehyung asked knowing Haneul was a huge Army.


"Stop yelling over a bunch of Kpop boys in front of your boyfriend."

"I would choose V over you anytime."

Taehyung was a little offended by Haneul's passionate nature.

"So who's V? Is he more handsome than me?"

Taehyung asked a bit jealous.

"Will you shut up now? This song reminds me of us. And it's over. They're playing Kill This Love now."

Haneul said a bit upset.

"How did that song remind you of us?"


Haneul played Heartbeat in her phone. Taehyung listened as he drove the car.

The song was quite reminiscent of their fate.

"This does remind me of us."

Taehyung agreed while Haneul smiled, forgetting her worries for a while.

They reached their home and Taehyung took Haneul to his room.

He took out a rolled up paper from his drawer.

"This is Queen Hae Soo."

Taehyung said as he gave the picture he drew of her.

"That's my boss."

Haneul said as she studied the picture for a while.

"Yeah. Now hold my hand and close your eyes."

Haneul obeyed Taehyung.

She was now seeing Taehyung's memories.

Hae Soo was running in the jungle and Taehyung found her. He said that he would guide her the right way.

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