The Antagonist

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I just want to know you

"So tell me your story."

Haneul said after relaxing for a while.

Taehyung looked hesitant about this but he decided to say it anyway.

Haneul thought,

Maybe it's too early to ask about it.

She then said, "You don't have to if you're not comfortable. I just asked cause you know my story."

"No, it's okay. You'll know it anyway."


"You're bound to know if you stay around me."


"As you know, I was an angel like Jin with magical powers and the ability of seeing the fate of human beings. We were allowed to help humans in disguise and we had to guide them to their destiny. So what happened was that I changed the fate of a human being and broke the rules of the universe. I was kept in a huge cage for years until one day it rained and I got my own destiny. Angels weren't supposed to have destiny but I did. A cruel one."

"A-a cruel one?"

"You see, I have to stay immortal as a human being. Human beings struggle on Earth and be rewarded in their next lives. But for me,time has been stuck. I met a lot of human beings whom I got attached to. But their times came to an end."

"Oh. Don't you see them in their next life?"

"Nope. I have no powers except foreshadowing the near future."

"Can you see mine?"


"Am I rich? Do I have a boyfriend? Do I have good grades?"

"Nope. You're not rich. No one wants to date you. You're still dumb."

Taehyung said playfully.

I have to lie because I cannot tell her that she had no future.

Taehyung thought.

"You're such a mean angel."

"I'm not an angel anymore."

"You're my guardian angel."

"That's right and you have to listen to me. Just wait for me after work. I'll drop you home."

"You don't have to. You never really know what happens."

"Didn't you just say that you could see the future?"

"Yes. I often see wrong stuff. It's better to be cautious."

"Wow I really have a good guardian angel."

"Yes. You do."

Haneul went to work only to see the mean (Min) guy. He came alone this time. He asked for an expresso. She gave it to him. Little did she know that he was dying to talk to her.
He left giving up on trying. She was finally relieved that she was alone with Soojin.

"Soojin, we need to talk."

"Yes. Same."

"Am I turning into a lunatic?"

They both said at the same time not even a half a second apart.

"Dude,how'd it go?"

"It was actually nice. A bit awkward but overall great. It was like talking to a normal guy."

"I cannot believe that I saw two angels. Like we were just fangirling about a story about an angel and then we saw two angels."

"What's more weird is that his story somehow have the elements of that story."

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