Loving Him

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I'm thinking,baby,
You are bringing out a different kind of me.

Joohyun could not believe what happened. She just had her first kiss with someone she had loved all her life. She was smiling to herself and that was her first real smile in a while. She smiled shyly all day as Jungkook avoided her glances.

He knew that he had made a horrible mistake. He did not like her at all. He just realised that he had feelings for Haneul but he was mad. He would never get to date her so he decided to kiss Joohyun after Haneul ignored him.

Jin, on the other hand, was reading Joohyun's mind. He knew that she was extremely happy so he smiled as she walked home.

Haneul saw Jin and went to him. As she held his shoulder, he was startled.

"Don't you have to work today?"

Jin said annoyed.

"I don't have work today. What's up with you?"

"I'm just here to collect a Wandering Soul."

"I didn't ask."

Haneul said feeling suspicious.

Scared,Soojin went closer to them as she asked, "Why are you talking to yourself?"

"I'm not alone. Jin's here."

Haneul said as Jin disappeared.

"Ah..he's gone."

Haneul said looking next to her.

"I'm convinced that you're Taehyung's soulmate."

"No I'm not."

As they walked together, Soojin was constantly annoying Haneul with her theories.

"I can call Taehyung now and ask him to confirm that it's not true."

Haneul said annoyed. She proceeded to call his name 3 times on the empty alley.

Taehyung appeared in front of them shirtless. He was wearing only grey pyjamas. The girls were flustered as Taehyung hummed, "Oh my my my,oh my my." He did not realise that he had teleported.


Soojin said unable to say anything.

Taehyung realised that he was outside. He quickly disappeared without a word coming out of his mouth. He quickly wore his Celine T-shirt and went to them.

"W-Why did you summon me?"

Taehyung asked awkwardly.

"I-I wanted to ask you something."

Soojin said in the same tone as Taehyung's.

Haneul interrupted, "I-it's..um..nothing. We just wanted to see if...y-you really came."

"Well I'm bound to come if you summon me."

"Okay, we wanted to see it. Bye."

Haneul said as she walked away.

Why did I think that he was hot?

Haneul thought embarrassed.

It would have been so embarrassing if Soojin asked him what she wanted to ask.

Haneul was confused why she was embarrassed. She felt some kind of butterflies in her stomach.

Lee Haneul, you just broke up with someone. Maybe it's your hormones.

Haneul told herself.

She was working in the café as she saw a ghost-like figure. He was bloody and looked like someone from a thousand years ago. She was so scared that she couldn't utter a word. She threw her plate that she was washing down.

Haesoo rushed right in to see Haneul.  As Haneul turned to Haesoo, the ghost disappeared.

She was not hurt so she walked to the hospital where her mother was. Taehyung appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, aren't you going home?"

" I need to visit mom."

Haneul said calming down a bit after hearing his voice.

"Okay, call me when you're done. I'll take you home."

Taehyung said. Haneul could not help but to smile. She was glad that he was here. Everything was okay if he was next to her.

After the visit, she called Taehyung. He took her home within a second.

"Hey, I have a question."

Haneul said as they entered the house.

"Ask away."

Taehyung smiled.

"Do ghosts exist?"

"Why are you asking that?"

Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm guessing ,by your expression, that it does exist."

"Did you see one?"

"Yes. I was so scared."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"My mind was blank."

"Understandable. Call me next time."

Taehyung said as he left the house.

Haneul knew that something probably happened.

She was anxious. She hoped that he was fine. She just could never bear him leaving again. She adored him in a way she could never explain. She did know that she was in love. The love was called friendship by her.

It was long before she met Yoongi. Maybe Yoongi was just an illusion.

Taehyung went to Jin and Jimin while Haneul sat on the couch. She thought hard about how life had changed over the course of these 12 months.

She was well liked in her school unless everyone started hating her due to Joohyun's stupid rumours. She never really cared if anyone liked her so she never thought hard about why everyone turned against her. Meeting Taehyung was the best thing happened to her. Nobody ever made her feel comfortable and easy the way Taehyung did. She felt the attraction towards Taehyung but she chose to ignore it.

She video called Soojin. Soojin looked upset with Jungkook.

"Jungkook just told me the reason why he kissed Joohyun."

"He can kiss whoever he wants. It's his life."

"But he made a mistake. He was horny. She wants to go on a date with him."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I'm confused about the amount of stupidity in this situation."

"But didn't he know that Joohyun liked him for years?"

"Yes. But how did you know?"

"The glares confirms it all."

"You're such a mind reader."

"I know right."

"But seriously I'm scared. What if Joohyun does something crazy?"

"Tell Jungkook to tell her the truth. It's better to tell her now than to mislead her."

"He doesn't talk to you,eh?"

"Nope. What's his problem with this? I don't get it."

"He probably likes you."

"What? No. I see him as a brother."

"It's not necessary for him to see you the same way you see him."

"I just broke up with someone."

"Did you even like Yoongi that much? I remember you always being really shy and anxious with him. That's not love,buddy."

"What is love then?"

"When you're happy to be with him no matter how bad the situation is. He makes you at ease. You're never tired of talking to him."

That's Taehyung.

Haneul thought finally realising it.

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