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Imagine your face, say hello to me
All bad days, they're nothing to me
With you.

Haneul was disappointed that Taehyung did not come. She wanted to talk to Taehyung about Hoseok's strange behaviour. Namjoon was fun to talk to but she did not feel that comfortable with him.

She got to know more about Taehyung. How he took care of Namjoon after his parents passed away. She chuckled softly at how Namjoon said, "I'm not allowed to drive with you even if I have a license."

She asked, "Why?"

"He's scared to drive with me. I drive too fast for him. He wears his seatbelt on and grabs his handle too tightly even if that punk is immortal."

Haneul laughed a little hard.

Months later,she was finally starting to find a little bit of peace in her pain with her friends. Taehyung came every night to pick her up and dropped her home. Namjoon came when Taehyung was not feeling well. She developed a close friendship with both of them.

She was also having a crush on Yoongi. He was a regular customer and he finally mustered the courage to talk to her. She used to think that he was annoying but really attractive.

She remembered how he helped her randomly and awkwardly walked away. It was also whenever she needed help. He was always there.

Yoongi saw how Haneul was struggling with the heavy garbage bags. He came up to her and said, "Geez,you're so weak."

"I'm not weak. It's heavy."

Yoongi held the bags with his left hand and smirked, "Are you sure?"

The memories flew into her head as she saw Yoongi.

Soojin saw how Haneul stared at Yoongi.

"Stop staring at Yoongi so much. If you like him,go and ask him out."


"Dude,he likes you too. I can see it."


"I just know. You should ask him out if you like him. There's no point of regrets in the future if you don't try."

"Should I really do this?"


Haneul thought too hard about this. She was sitting in the bus station waiting for Taehyung. He came up and she did not notice.

"Hey, drama queen. What's up?"

"I just have a death list."

"Reminds of the reason why I gave you this nickname." Taehyung sat next to her and continued, "What happened now? You have a test tomorrow and you don't want to study?"

"Nope. It's just something. Can you help me?"

"Isn't that I'm supposed to do anyway?"

"Can you please tell me the future?"

Taehyung became concerned now.

Does she know that she's a special case?

"Nope. I can't meddle with humans."

"You're an useless guardian angel."

"What happened that you want to know the future so desperately?"

"I like this guy. He's a little annoying but he looks extremely cute like a kitten."

Taehyung was a little upset but he shook that off. He was supposed to be her guardian angel but he was just feeling a strange jealousy. He was alert now because he did not want to make another mistake.

I can't repeat the same mistake.

He told himself as he let her go.

"What happened,Tae?"

"N-nothing. Well you should take a risk for what you want. Sometimes risking is good."


Haneul misunderstood Taehyung's stare as his prediction. She grinned brightly but Taehyung was not happy. She grew confident but they had silence between them during the ride.

She did not notice the silence but Taehyung was extremely concerned now. He could not be attracted to her. He did not want to repeat the same mistakes he did in the past. It would only bring pain. Maybe seeing her with someone else would make him forget about it.

The next day came and Haneul was at the cafe. Yoongi came again. Haneul took him outside to ask him.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Yoongi asked confused.

"I-I w-want.."

"Why are you stammering?"

" to...know if youarefreethistuesdayaround3."

Haneul asked nervously.

"What? Say it clearly."

"Are y-you free around 3-3pm this Tue-Tuesday?"

Yoongi was shy about answering. His cheeks turned red as he said, "W-well, I'm free. So I know t-this place that has great pizza. Do you want to go there?"


Haneul smiled shyly as she said the word. She then went inside as Haesoo called her. Yoongi called his friends to cancel his plans with them that Tuesday.

Haneul was smiling all day and Soojin was teasing her about it. As the day came to an end, Haneul was waiting for Taehyung. She was excited to tell him about her day as that was what she did with Taehyung anyway.

It was 8:40pm and Taehyung did not come. She was now worried as Taehyung was always punctual. He often scolded her for being late.

"Why are you always late?"

Taehyung asked annoyed.

"I was just working."

"After being too busy procrastinating?"

"Hey. You should stop being so mean, Mr. 1300 years old grandpa."

Haneul said hating that he knew the truth. Taehyung was offended now.

"I'm not a grandpa. You're just jealous that you would be a grandma while I'll be forever young."

"Nope. I'm not jealous but you do act like a grandpa. You sleep at 9:30pm and wake up at 7am just to read the daily news."

"At least. I'm healthier than you who's always sleepy during the day."

Haneul did not find any way to defend herself as Taehyung laughed at her.

She smiled softly at the memories. As Namjoon came, she was staring into the air.

"What happened to you?"

Haneul was startled by Namjoon.

"Oh. You're here."

Haneul said with disappointment in her tone.

"Aren't you happy to see me?"


"Doesn't seem sincere."

"I was kinda hoping to see Taehyung."


"To thank him."

"What did he do?"

"Gave me enough confidence to ask out my crush."


Namjoon asked excitedly.


"You got your first boyfriend?!"

"He's not a boyfriend."

"But he's your first date,right?"

"I guess."

Haneul's cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

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