Break Up

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You know that I can't show you me
Give you me

Namjoon was surprised by the story. He asked, "So he risked his existence for her?"

"Well yes. You know, we feel emotions as well. It's just that we are not allowed to do anything about it."

Jin smiled sadly.

Namjoon asked, "Was he the only angel that fell in love with a human?"

"Nope. But he's the only one to do something about it."

"Have you ever fell in love?"

"Oh yes."

"With whom?"

"I met him when I was working in Dhaka."

"It's a him?!"

"Yes. He was so gorgeous."

"What did you do then?"

"I bought him to Seoul."


"I see him everyday in this."

Jin took out an old mirror and stared at his reflection.

"And I thought you were being serious."

Namjoon facepalmed himself. Jin surely knew how to brighten up the mood.

Meanwhile, Haneul was woke up by Haesoo. She was surprised to see Hae Soo as she did not remember the events of the previous night.

Haesoo asked, "What are you doing there?"

"I-I missed the bus and had nowhere to go. So I stayed here."

Haneul said quietly.

"Oh you just missed school. It's 10am now."


"Yes. But you could use a little break. The last few days were hectic for you. I made you breakfast. Eat it."

"Thank you. And sorry for sleeping here without your permission."

Haneul said gratefully.

She ate breakfast and went to the park for a walk. She felt good as she walked with a relaxed attitude.

She saw texts from Yoongi asking about her wellbeing. She totally forgot to respond to Yoongi's texts in these days.

She replied to him and found out that he was skipping school. They decided to meet and Yoongi had to do what he wanted to do.

He was tired of being the only one making efforts in the relationship. He hated that he felt like that as he completely understood why Haneul was so busy. He had to bring an end to this.

"We need to talk, Haneul."

Yoongi said with seriousness in his tone.

"What's the matter?"

"We need to break up."


"Look it's not your fault. But we're barely getting time for us. It's hard to date someone who feels distant."

"Okay. I get it."

Haneul lied when she did not want to let go. After Yoongi left, Haneul cried on the bench. She knew that it was her fault. And that hurt her even more.

Taehyung was in his bed thinking why his band hurt so bad. He saw Jin laying on his couch and watching TV. Jin was crying while eating popcorn.

Taehyung sighed in disbelief as he asked, "Jin?"


Jin yelled at Taehyung. Taehyung got out of the room scared knowing that he might have to hear about Jin's analysis of Harry Potter for the thousandth time.

"After all this time?Always." 

Jin cried to himself as Taehyung reappeared.

"Are you okay?"

Taehyung asked.


Jin said.

"Can you please check on Haneul? My wrist is hurting a lot these days."

Taehyung said.


Jin sat down and summoned the visions in the TV screen.

Haneul was crying to Soojin in the cafe.

"Why do everyone I love keep leaving? Taehyung left me. Now Yoongi left me."

Haneul cried in the arms of Soojin.

Jin closed the vision as Taehyung was there. Taehyung felt the hurt as he walked out of the room. He was sorry for abandoning her like this. There was not a single day when they did not think of each other. And that was the time they needed each other the most.

She went home early after Haesoo asked her to take a break.

She cried in her room all alone. It did not really help that it was her dad and grandma's first death anniversary the next day. She skipped school to go to the graveyard. She stood there for a while. Staring at her dad's nameplate, she whispered, "I'm sorry for not taking care of myself. But don't worry about me. I'll create my own fate even if Taehyung isn't here." 

She knew that she was a special case. She saw it all the day Taehyung revealed himself.

"I love you, grandma. I miss you a lot."

Haneul said looking at the other grave.

As she was leaving, she was stopped by the person she hated seeing. Her aunt was also there. She came up to her and said, "Long time,no see."

"Long time. And I hope to see you never."

Haneul snapped at her.

"You bi-"

"Curse me all you want. I got no time to spend on you."

Haneul said with a resting bitch face.

"I hoped you would not act like this on your father's anniversary."

"You're happy because this day finally came."

"Why would I be happy?"

"So that you could steal his life."

Haneul said with no emotion. As her aunt raised her hand to slap her, she held it to resist her and made sure to leave a bruise on that hand.

She left with no words. Joohyun saw the whole incident and she clicked a picture of that. She was furious about the whole situation.

Joohyun spread rumours about Haneul beating up an elderly woman in the school. As Haneul entered the school, everyone avoided Haneul.

"What the fuck is up with everyone?"

Haneul asked leaning towards Jungkook.

"You know you're in another scandal."

Jungkook sighed.

"Spill the tea,Kook. What did I do now?"

"You beat up an elderly woman that's your aunt. Joohyun spread the rumours."

"She was about to slap me."

"Well done then. I trust you and I know you would never hurt somebody weaker than you."

"Thank you."

Haneul hugged Jungkook making Joohyun frown in anger.

Hyeri came up to her and asked, "What's wrong?"


She hated how Haneul was being so close to Jungkook.

Joohyun then proceeded to confront Haneul. If she did not make Jungkook the good way, she would do it the way.

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