The Silence

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Comfortable silence is so overrated

Haneul nervously wore her silver necklace after seeing herself in the yellow dress. It was her grandma's favourite outfit of hers. She was a bit uncomfortable as she always wore hoodies and pants. It was casual but it looked fancy.

"How do I look?"

The girl turned to her best friend.

"You look so pretty. You should wear it often."

Soojin said sincerely.

"Really? Isn't it fancy for a hangout in a cafe?"

"No. It's perfectly okay for a date."

Soojin smiled, making Haneul blush.

She went to the cafe only to see Yoongi waiting for her. He was sitting in the corner as the sunlight hit him,creating shadows of plants on his pale skin. Haneul walked up to him and said, "Hey."

He looked up and saw her. She looked absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. He was so amazed by her beauty that he did not realise he stared at her. He mentally slapped himself after that. "H-hi."

Haneul sat down shyly. They had a moment of awkward silence before Yoongi complimented, "You look pretty."

"Thank you."

Haneul said with her cheeks getting redder.

"Let's order."

Yoongi suggested.

They both ordered their food.

"So tell me more about you."

Yoongi asked trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"Well..I'm an awkward potato with no hobbies except for sleeping."

Haneul answered truthfully. Yoongi laughed because that was exactly how he would describe himself.

"If it isn't me.."

"I'm sleepy all day nowadays."

"Same here."

"What are your hobbies?"

"Sleeping and songwriting."

"So you're a songwriter?"

"Yes. I write songs sometimes when I have time."

"Oh wow. I don't do anything."

"Is it became you don't have time?"

"Yes. I come to school from far away and stay at Soojin's place to study before heading to work."

"Do you go home by bus?"

"I used to. But not anymore. Taehyung-"

Haneul stopped after realising that nobody knew about Taehyung. No one could know about their relationship.


"Taehyung,our family friend,gets me home everyday."

"That's nice of him."

"He lives near my house and he works nearby. He doesn't want me to go home alone."

"That's good. Seoul isn't really safe."


Haneul's lies insured that the secret was safe but someone was already suspicious.

Joohyun saw the picture of Haneul and Taehyung in the car. Her phone had the picture she clicked secretly. She wanted to ruin Haneul but for some reason, she just couldn't do it.

She wanted to blackmail Haneul to stay away but she just could never do it. It was supposed to be done months ago. Something in her just didn't allow her to do that.

"Fuck this. There's no enough evidence that he's her sugar daddy."

Joohyun muttered as she deleted the picture. She wanted to stay away from Haneul but she only kept seeing Haneul because of Jungkook.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was slowly getting annoyed by Haneul constantly cancelling her plans with him. He just wanted to hang out with her. Ever since he came back from New York, Haneul did not hang out with him once.

He understood her and they did spend a lot of time together. But Soojin was always there when he wanted to talk to Haneul alone. He missed his best friend.

He sat alone in a bench in the park just to see Joohyun walking around. Jungkook debated on meeting her. He did not talk to Joohyun much but he disliked her mom for what she did to Haneul's family.

Their eyes met and Jungkook was now obligated to say hello. Joohyun really did not know what to do as Jungkook approached her.


Jungkook smiled.


Joohyun really did not know what to do. She just had her sweatpants and oversized T-shirt with a messy bun on.

"How are you?"

"Doing good. W-What about you?"

"Doing good. What are you doing here? Your house is far away from here."

"Oh I just wanted to take a walk around this place."

"Oh. It's nicer in this park than the park near Ha-I mean your place."

Jungkook mentally scolded himself for his mistake.

Her mother's actions would not define her even if she was a bitch to Haneul at some point.

Jungkook thought to himself. Joohyun left feeling a little upset after remembering how she basically stole her cousin's life.

Haneul was really happy as she went to work after planning a second date with Yoongi. She was being teased by Soojin. Haesoo came in quietly.

She just saw Hoseok in the market among the people in a huge crowd. All the memories that lingered in the back of her mind just came back. She masked her sadness into happiness as she asked, "How did the date go?"

"It was good."

Haneul blushed softly.

"Just good? Then you shouldn't really go to the second date."

Soojin teased.

"I was really good."

"Look at her being all so desperate for the date."

Soojin laughed.

They went back to work after a new customer came. Haneul waited for Taehyung just to tell him about her day.

It was genuinely comforting to talk to him about everything at the end of the day. She missed that because he didn't come at all nowadays.

She was expecting him to heal and Namjoon said that he would come. She waited impatiently for Taehyung. She prayed that he was doing okay and she was never the one to pray.

Her eyes sparkled as she walked to the bus station. To her disappointment, Namjoon came instead. Honestly it was getting tiring for Namjoon to pick Haneul up and drop her home to come back here again,

He knew he had to go to him and get to the bottom of what actually happened to Taehyung.

He saw Haneul's disappointment as well. He knew that she always told Taehyung everything about her day freely. He knew how relieved she felt having Taehyung by her side. He also knew that Taehyung was really happy to see Haneul. This was the happiest he saw Taehyung in his entire life. Something was wrong and he needed to find out why.

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