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I wish that you would love me
Just like yesterday, don't let go of this hand ever again
And every time my heart beats
Match your steps so you don't wander around ever again

It had been 10 years since Taehyung's death. Haneul had become an architect and she loved her job more than anything else in the world. It was time consuming so she did not have to think of the past.

Mrs. Lee waited for her daughter to come and meet the suitor.

Haneul did not come once again.

"Haneul, we need to have a serious conversation."

She said to her daughter. Haneul now had short hair and looked pale. She had lost her brightness and playfulness with Taehyung.

"I don't want to get married,mom."

Haneul said feeling tired.

"Why can't you move on from him?"

Mrs. Lee asked.

"I love him. And there's no point in marrying someone when my soulmate's dead."

Haneul thought remembering the painful memories of the past.

"You can't live your life being lonely."

"I'm not lonely. I just know that I would never love like I loved Taehyung. And that would be unfair to my significant other if I ever got married. Please,mom, don't worry about me. I'm fine just the way I'm now."

Haneul said making her mother stop trying.

Haneul now went to Namjoon's to see Jin, Jimin, Soojin, Yoongi and Jungkook.


Haneul said half smiling.


They all said at the same time. They become friends after that day.

"How's Joohyun?"

Jin asked quietly.

"I saw her last week and she's good."

Haneul said reassuringly.

"My fate's hilarious,man."

Jin chuckled.

"I'm going to find her again and again till she gets to be with me."

Jin laughed at his pain.

"Man, I'm sorry."

Haneul said.

"Hey, Haneul. Do you know what Jin did?"

Jungkook chuckled.

"He kissed the mirror when I entered his room."

Jungkook laughed earning a slap from Jin.

"The weirdest thing is that he does it everyday."

Jimin revealed making everyone laugh.

Haneul felt at ease with her friends.

She continued to live a lonely life unless she passed away from a heart disease at the mere age of 30.

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