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Me from the Moon, you from the star
Our conversations were like homework
BFFs on one day, enemies on another
I just wanna understand

Taehyung went to open the door. Jin was horrified to see Taehyung so fragile and vulnerable. He softly asked, "What?"

It almost sounded like a whisper. He could barely utter a word. Jin,Jimin and Namjoon stared at him which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Tae,what's wrong with you?"

Namjoon asked surprised because he had never seen him like that.

"I was sleeping and you ruined it."

Taehyung said with his voice deep and low.

"We got bigger issues than that now."

Jimin said wanting to get out of the house.

"And what's that?"

"Kim Shin."

Jimin said drawing Taehyung's attention.

"Taehyung, come and sit with us."

As the 3 angels walked into the dining room, Namjoon was confused on what to do so he just stood and listened.

"Kim Shin possessed Jung Hoseok again."

Jin said.

"Who told you this?"

Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow.

"Jackson. He almost caught him,you know. That rascal developed powers of his own after wandering for so long. He disappeared into thin air after pushing Jackson away."

Jin answered.

"Look,the last time we checked on Jung Hoseok was 4 months ago and he was doing fine. Why would he appear when I haven't found Soo?"

Taehyung asked confused.

"Maybe he found Soo."

Jimin said after thinking hard.

"I didn't see her. For the thousandth time, she's not Haneul."

Taehyung said.

"Nobody said that she's Haneul. Maybe Kim Shin just know something about Soo."

"Jimin's right!"

Jin snapped his fingers.

"Makes total sense."

Taehyung said knowing that it made total sense. He was disappointed and anxious now.

"Why do you look so worried now?"

Jin asked.

"I'll cease to exist if I ever find her."

Taehyung said not knowing why he was not happy.

"You have lived a long life."

Jimin said.

Angered, Taehyung threw a pillow at Jimin. Jimin froze the motion of the pillow with his hand.

"That would not harm me at all."

Jimin smirked.

Taehyung was furious so he planned a sweet revenge.

"I want you to see a movie with me this evening."

Taehyung smirked knowing how much they hated horror movies.

"I can't come today. I'm allergic to you."

Jimin replied.

"You're a majestic angel. So please take a dying man's request."

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